Which part of mass does father speak to us about the first reading?
When the Priest says "The Lord be with you." We say?
And with your spirit
When the Priest says "Lift up your hearts" We say
We lift them up to the Lord
A reading from the Old Testament
First Reading
What part of Mass comes after the Greeting?
What part of mass do we say sorry and ask for God's forgiveness?
Penitential act
When the Priest says "Lord, have mercy." We say?
Lord, have mercy
When the Priest says "Let us give thanks to the Lord our God" We say
It is right and Just
A reading from the New Testament
Second Reading
What part of Mass comes after The Eucharistic Prayer?
The Preface
Prayer for the needs of God's people?
Universal Prayer
When the Priest says "The Gospel of the Lord" We say?
When the Priest says "The Mass is ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord" What do we say?
Thanks be to God
A song of Praise from the Bible
What comes before the Mystery of Faith?
The Priest brings the special gifts of bread and wine up to the altar and prepares them with special prayers
Prayer over the offerings
When the Priest says "A reading from the Gospel according to Mark"(or whatever Gospel) We say?
Glory to you, O Lord
When the Priest says "May the Almighty father bless you, The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit." What do we say?
The Creed
What comes after The Lamb of God?
Holy Communion
A reading from one of the four Gospels of the New Testament
When the Priest says "Pray Brothers and Sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty father." What do we say back?
May the Lord accept this sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good, and the good of all his Holy Church
Where do we cross ourselves three times when preparing for the Gospel?
The forehead, lips, and heart.
What is sung before the Gospel is read?
The Gospel Acclamation
What comes after The Dismissal?
Closing Song