We hear God's Word and respond to it in the Liturgy of the _______.
What is Liturgy of the Word?
____________ occurs at the end of the Introductory Rites.
What is Collect/Opening Prayer?
The Liturgy of The _____________ includes the great prayer of thanksgiving.
What is Eucharist?
During the ____________________ of the mass, we are sent out to be the Body of Christ to others
What is Concluding Rites?
_______________ comes before the Closing Song.
What is Dismissal?
The Congregation responds _____________ after the First Reading
What is "Praise To You Lord Jesus Christ?"
As we receive ____ _______ __ _______, during Communion, we become the Body of Christ.
What is The Body of Christ?
The ____________ is the part of the Mass that unites us as a community and prepares us to hear God's Word and to celebrate the Eucharist.
What is Introductory Rites?
______________ comes after the first reading.
What is Responsorial Psalm?
The Congregation responds _____________ to "Lord Have Mercy"
What is "Lord Have Mercy?"
Communion is followed by a sending forth, in which we are called to continue the work of __________ in the world.
What is Christ?
The ________________ is the part in Mass in which the Death and Ressurection of Christ are made present again and our gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood ofChrist.
What is Liturgy of the Eucharist?
_______________ comes after The Lamb of God.
What is Holy Communion?
The Congregation responds _____________ to "Christ Have Mercy"
What is "Christ Have Mercy?
The _____ __ ______ and Lamb of God litany are moments of unity and peace as we come together for the breaking of the bread.
What is The Sign of Peace?
The four parts of Mass in order are, ______________,_____________,______________,______________.
What is Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Concluding Rites.
__________ comes after the Preface.
What is Holy, Holy, Holy?
The Congregation responds _____________ to "We ask this through Christ our Lord"
What is "Amen"?
Communion transforms us into ________ ________ _______ _____.
What is The Mystical Body of Christ?