Laws and Rules
Recorded Music
The Italian inventor who developed a method for sending signals wirelessly using radio waves.
Who is Guglielmo Marconi?
This first feature length movie promoted the "heroic" exploits of the Ku Klux Klan.
What is "Birth of a Nation?"
Since the Radio Act of 1912, any person or company wishing to broadcast on an AM frequency needed one of these.
What is a license?
Mostly during the 1950s and 1960s, the practice of paying disc jockeys to play your artist's music on the radio.
What is payola?
The "Big Three" that dominated early television broadcasting.
What are ABC, NBC and CBS?
The earliest practical use of radio was not for transmission of voice or music but for messages in this code.
What is Morse code?
While Thomas Edison is credited with the invention of the first functioning movie camera, these French brothers came up with the idea of projecting motion picture images onto a screen.
Who are the Lumiere brothers?
The FCC issued the Sixth Report and Order in 1952 to open this band of television broadcast channels numbered from 14 to 83.
What is UHF?
This type of music reached its popularity in the 1930s and 1940s and made men such as Benny Goodman and Tommy Dorsey famous.
What is big band music.
A period in early television history characterized by good quality anthology dramas, original comedies and variety shows, and well-respected news programs is often called this.
What is the Golden Age?
This institution in Great Britain was established to provide programming for radio in that country, and it filled the airwaves with programming meant to uplift and educate the public.
What is the BBC?
Studios made these movies quickly and cheaply to be presented alongside better movies in double features.
What is the B movie?
The legal privilege to use, sell or license creative works which protects books, movies, etc. from piracy
What is copyright?
An early device for playing recorded music that featured a crank and a megaphone.
What is a Victrola?
While digital televisions offering 1080 lines of resolution are called "high definition," the 525 lines of resolution on older analog televisions are called this.
What is standard definition?
A type of radio transmission that has a high-fidelity signal but a relatively small broadcasting range.
What is FM?
In the making of a movie, this is the individual who controls bringing the script to life by deciding things like camera angles, special effects and instructions to actors.
What is the director?
G, PG, PG-13, R and NC-17 are categories in a rating system from this organization.
What is the Motion Picture Association of America or MPAA?
This company in 2008 surpassed Wal-Mart as the number one retailer of records, online or offline.
What is Apple or iTunes?
The type of relatively cheap programming that has proliferated as conventional prime-time entertainment formulas became more expensive to produce.
What is reality television?
He came up with the idea of developing radio technology as a broadcasting system that would "bring music to the house."
Who is David Sarnoff?
It was the first full-length computer-animated hit movie.
What is "Toy Story?"
In a 1970 attempt to bring more diversity to programming, this act blocked networks from programming shows from 7 to 8 p.m.
What is the Prime Time Access Rule?
The first digital format for recorded music to become popular with consumers.
What is the compact disc?
The member of the "Big Five" of contemporary television conglomerates that owns SoapNet.
What is the Disney Corporation?