Hollinwell & McCarthyism
The Salem Witch Trials
Causes of Mass Hysteria
Symptoms of Mass Hysteria

This period in the late 1940s and 1950s was defined by anti-communism, which consumed most aspects of American culture.

The Red Scare


While some people accused were put on trial in an effort to take their property, ruin their reputation, or simply out of spite, this fact about the timing of the first physical symptoms is a strike against them being faked in their entirety. 

Convulsions occurred before the first accusation.


The intellectual root of most incidents of mass hysteria, this can be propagated by governmental powers or just by rumors and superstition.



This is a symptom of mass hysteria that may also have been used as evidence of witch attacks.



A politician who fueled the fire of mass hysteria by claiming there were communists working in the American government.

 Joseph McCarthy


Spectral evidence was a form of evidence used to support most accusations of witchcraft. Certain physical symptoms were seen as evidence of witch attacks. Name at least two.

Seizures, trances, and uncontrollable movements and noises


The emotional root of most incidents of mass hysteria, this can be caused by any number of things, just so long as they’re perceived as threatening.

General anxiety

This “spacing out,” in modern parlance, can be unsettling for people around and potentially dangerous for the patient if done in an unsafe area.

Trance States


The mass hysteria of 300 kids and a few adults fainting all at once.

The Hollinwell Incident 


This group of girls were thought to be 'possessed' during the trials, providing substantial evidence.

The afflicted girls 


This is a feature of mass hysteria that can make it difficult to treat, considering that most medicine focuses on fixing these.

*No* biological cause


This is a symptom present at the Hollinwell incident and can cause physical injury if not in a safe location.



These symptoms during the HollinWell incident were induced without any physical causes.

The symptoms included fainting, running eyes, and sore throats.


In court during the trials, what was one of the biggest differences from then to now in how things were run since many trials were based in fear?

People were guilty until proven innocent.


A predilection in this certain part of the population maps with many of the accusers is more common in...

Children and adolescents


This unsettling symptom can make it difficult for the patient to communicate, both verbally and through facial expressions.

Uncontrollable laughter or crying


What are 3 different examples of how The Red Scare and the Hollinwell incident demonstrated mass hysteria?

The Red Scare: Burning of textbooks, marriage break-ups, suicides, teacher loyalty checks

Hollinwell: Contagious symptoms, psychological influence, lack of physical evidence/cause.


Religious ideals played a large role in fostering panic, since witches were meant to be this.

What are agents of the devil.


This predilection may be correlation, considering these areas tend to have less access to accurate information due to their general isolation.

Mass hysteria is more common in rural areas


This symptom often points towards another illness by creating psychosomatic pain or pressure in specific parts of the body.

Sensation, such as stomach pain