Solar System
Mass vs Weight
What is the force of attraction between objects due to their masses?
What is gravity
Will you weigh more or less on Saturn compared to Earth. Explain.
What is you would weigh more because of the greater gravitational pull.
What tool do we use to measure mass? What tool do we use to measure weight?
What is a triple beam balance and a spring scale.
Draw a picture of what a nebula looks like.
What is answers will vary.
What is anything that has mass and takes up space?
What is matter?
What are the two things in balance that allow a nebula not to collapse?
What is pressure and gravity.
If an object has a mass of 700 g, what is the weight of this object? (Hint: 100g = 1N)
What is 7 N
What is the importance of gravity?
What is gravity keeps us on Earth and keeps the planets orbiting the sun.
What is the spin of a body on its axis?
What is rotation
Why are the inner planets rocky and the outer planets gaseous?
What is because of temperature. The outer planets are gaseous because the gases cannot withstand the heat, whereas the rocky planets can.
What is the difference between mass and weight?
What is mass does not change and is the amount of matter in an object. Weight can change and depends on gravity.
If you you want an object to have less inertia, would you increase or decrease its mass?
What is decrease the mass.
Describe a nebula.
What is a cloud of gas and dust where stars are created and destroyed.
Why do you think the Earth moves, but the sun does not?
What is the sun has a greater pull on the Earth than the Earth does on the sun.
If an object had a mass of 132g, what is the mass of this object on Jupiter?
What is 132 g
Which object has more inertia: an empty shopping cart or a full shopping cart? Explain.
What is a full shopping cart because it has more mass.
What is the difference between an orbit and revolution?
What is orbit is the path and revolution is the body taking the path of the orbit.
How was the solar system formed (more than one step)?
What is the solar nebula collapses, planetesimals are formed, and the sun is formed from hydrogen forming helium with pressure and gravity balancing each other.
Do objects with large masses always have large weights? Explain
What is no because it depends on the gravitational pull of the planet. Objects with large masses can have a small amount of weight.
Would an elephant weigh more or less on the moon than it would weigh on Earth? Explain your answer.
What is the elephant would weigh less because it has less gravitational pull.