Could girls be formally educated?
Who founded the Mass. Bay Colony?
John Winthrop.
What is one thing shipbuilding was important for?
fishing and whaling, merchants who sold or traded overseas
Were people that didn't believe the Puritan believes accepted in MA?
Did women have religious freedom?
Who was the first Headmaster of the Boston Latin School?
Philemon Pormont.
What was Anne Bradstreet known for?
Her poems.
What did children turn into a game?
The group of people that settled MA were part of one religion. What was it?
Puritans settled the MA bay colony
What is one thing a woman would do as part of her job?
Spin yarn, weaving, candle making, churned butter, produced goods.
Why did the Massachusetts leaders want children to go to school?
So they could read the bible. Leaders wanted a society based off of understanding the bible.
Why did John settle the MA bay colony?
For religious purity.
What was a popular version of tag?
Fox and Geese
What was the goal of the people that settled MA?
To have a place where a very strict religion was practiced.
What were women raised to do?
Get married
What did children learn with?
A hornbook.
Who went to England to publish Anne's poems?
Anne's brother in law
Who loved gambling?
King Charles II, and the Native Americans
Who did the Puritans travel with to MA?
Pilgrams on the Mayflower
What colony did Anne Hutchinson help to settle?
Rhode Island
What were the two options for education after a 13 year old boy completed basic writing school?
1. He could work as an assistant in trade.
2. He could apply to grammar school.
What was Anne's last name before she got married?
Who would tell you that whaling was dangerous?
Captin Ahab
The pilgrams.
What was one of Anne Hutchinson's jobs?
Being a healer (Doctor)