Welcome translates to
What is the capital of Honduras?
What is blood pressure?
La presion arterial
La nariz
When was GB founded?
Cuantos anos tiene?
What is the capital of Panama?
Panama City
Necesito tomarle su peso.
I need to weigh you.
Belly button
El ombligo
Who were the first founders?
Duff Casey & Shital Chauhan
Formen una fila por favor.
Athens is
The capital of Greece.
What is "open your mouth please"?
"Abra la boca, por favor?"
La pomada
Where was the first country for GB impact?
Como se dice "I do not speak Spanish very well, can you please speak slowly?"
No hablo Espanol muy bien, puede hablar despacio por favor?
Accra is
The capital of Ghana.
Parese en la balanza/escala.
Stand on the scale.
El mareo
Sickness/ dizziness
What are the different cohorts of brigades?
Medical Brigades, Dental Brigades, Business Brigades, Public Health Brigades, Water Brigades & Engineering Brigades
"Espere aqui por favor."
Managua is
The capital of Nicaragua.
What is "put the thermometer under your tongue and leave it there?"
Ponga el termometro bajo de la lengua y dejelo ahi.
What is "take one tablet every 6 hours as needed with food?"
Tome una tableta cada seis horas con comida.
What is our vision?
To improve equality of life by igniting the largest student led social responsibility movement on the planet.