Number of people that can be out of class at the same time
What is one person at a time?
What is your cell phone
The time when attendance is taken
The beginning of class
What it is called when someone gives you answers to assignments
What is cheating
This is the grading scale our class will use
What is 0 - 100
Need this with you when going to the restroom or anywhere else in the building
What is a pass?
The place were you can hide your phone
What is your backpack, pocket, or other place were Ms. Masters' can't see your cell phone.
Inside the classroom
What is where to be before the tardy bell rings
This is what happens when you cheat on an assignment
These are the two types of grades in our class
What are formative (minor) and summative (major)
This is the best time to go to the restroom
What is going to the restroom before or after class.
These are placed in your ears and attach to your phone.
What are ear buds
The number of tardies before you get detention
What is three tardies
The maximum grade you can get on your second assignment after being caught cheating
What is a 70%
What is a 70
These are the minutes that people can't go to the restroom or be in the hallways
What is 10 minutes after the tardy bell and 10 minutes before the dismissal bell
You will miss quizzes, warm-ups and important announcements
What is why you shouldn't be tardy to class
This is what you do when you turn in someone else's work as your own without them having given it to you first
What is plagiarism
This is the lowest grade you will receive in my class for work that is TURNED IN
Time during class that Ms. Masters will let people go to the restroom
What is going to the restroom after completing your assignment
This will happen if you have your phone our during class.
What is Ms. Masters' taking up your phone until class is over
Ms. Masters becomes like this when you are repeatedly tardy to class
What is Ms. Masters being annoyed with you
This is considered stealing someone else's work and you will get a 0 on your assignment for doing this
What is plagiarism
When grades are posted to Focus
What is when assignments are graded or no later than two weeks after the assignment is turned in