Relative Age Dating
Absolute Age Dating and Vocab
Earth's Layers &
Seismic Waves

What are two types of luster?

metallic and nonmetallic


What is the density of mafic igneous rocks?



Approximately how many million years ago (mya) were all of Africa and South America inferred to be located south of the equator?

(1) 59 mya                     (3) 232 mya 

(2) 119 mya                   (4) 359 mya

(4) 359 mya


Which radioactive isotope takes the least amount of time to disintegrate?

1) potassium-40         2) carbon-14

3) uranium-238          4) rubidium-87

2) carbon-14


Why are P-waves received, but S-waves are not received by seismic stations located on the opposite side of Earth from an earthquake epicenter?

(1) S-waves travel slower than P-waves. 

(2) S-waves travel faster than P-waves. 

(3) Earth’s inner core absorbs S-waves. 

(4) Earth’s outer core absorbs S-waves.

(4) Earth’s outer core absorbs S-waves.


Which two minerals can have the same fluorescent color?

1) calcite and celestine      2) calcite and zincite

3) celestine and willemite  4) celestine and zincite

4) celestine and zincite


Igneous and Metamorphic rocks form differently -- describe how each are formed.

Igneous - (melting &) solidification of magma

Metamorphic - heat and pressure (of any rock)


A drill core is a cylinder of rock material removed from the bedrock. Letters A through J represent different rock layers. Some layers contain index fossils. The rock layers shown have not been overturned.

Identify the geologic period when rock layer A was deposited.

Ordovician Period

(Middle Ordovician is NOT correct -- it is an "Epoch".)


Which graph below represents the amount of potassium-40 and the amount of argon-40 and calcium-40 over four half-lives?


What are the inferred pressure and interior temperature at the boundary between Earth’s outer core and inner core? 

(1) 3.1 million atmospheres pressure and an interior temperature of 6300°C 

(2) 3.1 million atmospheres pressure and an interior temperature of 6700°C 

(3) 3.6 million atmospheres pressure and an interior temperature of 6300°C 

(4) 3.6 million atmospheres pressure and an interior temperature of 6700°C

(1) 3.1 million atmospheres pressure and an interior temperature of 6300°C  


The mineral zincite will scratch

1) calcite, but will not scratch celestine and willemite 2) willemite, but will not scratch calcite and celestine 3) calcite and celestine, but will not scratch willemite 4) willemite and celestine, but will not scratch calcite

3) calcite and celestine, but will not scratch willemite


According to the ESRTs, what are two things granite and gabbro have in common?


- same environment of formation (intrusive/ plutonic)

- same crystal size (1-10mm)

- same texture (coarse/nonvesicular)

- both contain plagioclase feldspar (others, too, but must describe)


A drill core is a cylinder of rock material removed from the bedrock. The diagrams represent drill core samples from two different locations (I and II).  Letters A through J represent different rock layers. Some layers contain index fossils. The rock layers shown have not been overturned.

List the relative ages of rock layers D, E, F, and G by listing the letters from oldest to youngest.

E (oldest) D.    G.     F. (youngest)


Which box best represents the ratio of these atoms at two half-lives?


Which layer of Earth’s interior is inferred to be composed of solid iron and nickel?

(1) asthenosphere           (3) outer core 

(2) stiffer mantle             (4) inner core

 (4) inner core


What are the 2 most abundant elements found in the composition of minerals?

silicon and oxygen

(these are "silicate" minerals)


The two photographs below and the arrow between them show conglomerate and the processes that changed the conglomerate to rock X.

Rock X is most likely

           1) breccia                      2) slate  

           3) metaconglomerate     4) vesicular basalt

3) metaconglomerate


Good index fossils are often abundant or easily identified. Describe two other characteristics of fossils that makes them good index fossils.

— These organisms only existed for a short time. 

— These fossils have widespread distribution.


What is cementation?

- process of sediments sticking together

-when sediments are glued together


Earthquake S-waves do not pass through which two interior Earth layers? 

(1) rigid mantle and asthenosphere 

(2) asthenosphere and stiffer mantle 

(3) stiffer mantle and outer core 

(4) outer core and inner core

(4) outer core and inner core


In terms of mineral properties, explain why a statue is easier to carve from pure white marble rather than from pure white quartzite.

— The mineral that makes up quartzite is harder than the mineral that makes up marble.

— The hardness of calcite is only 3 while the hardness of quartz is 7.

— Marble is softer than quartzite because it is made of calcite, a softer mineral.


What is the texture of an igneous rock formed from magma that cooled slowly deep underground?

1) nonvesicular and coarse

2) nonvesicular and glassy

 3) vesicular and fine

4) vesicular and very coarse

1) nonvesicular and coarse


Which index fossil in sedimentary surface bedrock most likely indicates that a marine environment once existed in the region where the sediments were deposited?

(1) Mastodont                   (3) Eospirifer

(2) Condor                        (4) Coelophysis

  (3) Eospirifer


Oops! What is this doing here!?

Determine the relative age sequence of the following geologic features, in order from oldest to youngest:

• Basalt 

• Fault XY 

• Volcanic ash

 (oldest) Fault XY or Fault or XY --> Volcanic Ash  or Ash --> Basalt (youngest)


Compared to the crust of the continents, the crust of the oceans is:

  1. thicker and less dense
  2. thicker and more dense
  3. thinner and less dense
  4. thinner and more dense

4) thinner and more dense