IV & DV and Relationship
Producing Data
SI Leader & TLTC

As students attend more SI sessions, their GPA increases.

IV: SI session attendance


Direction/Relationship: Positive


In a research study, we want to collect and analyze the stress scores CSUDH students experience during midterm season. What is the population and give an example of a sample that we can identify to research the population.

Population - CSUDH students

Sample - ex. MAT 132 course


True or False

An observational study observes and attempts to create an intervention to influence the response to see a cause an effect.

False, it does not attempt to influence the responses.


What is your SI Leader's name?

Vincent Dang


The less you sleep the night before an exam, the lower your test score.

IV: Hours of Sleep

DV: Test Score

Direction/Relationship: Positive


You are conducting a study and you need to get people to participate in your surveys. You go to a Target to ask people right at the front to answer the questionnaires. What type of sampling is this?

Convenience sampling


A researcher is studying the effect of the number of hours of sleep a college student receives the night before taking an exam. What is possible example of a lurking variable in this study?

- Did not have breakfast

- Stress levels (stressful morning, traffic, etc.)

Answers vary


What is your SI Leader majoring in?



Scientists wonder about the relationship between the intake of alcohol and emotional reactions to frightening stimuli. (IV and DV only!)

IV: Intake of alcohol

DV: Emotional reactions


A professor is setting up groups for a group presentation. They put everyone's names into a hat, mix the names around, and pick out names for groups 1, 2, 3, and 4. What type of sampling is this?

Simple Random Sampling


In an COVID-19 comparative experiment to test COVID-19 immunity, there are two groups (Group A and Group B). Group A is given a given a saline shot (placebo). Whereas, Group B is given a tested vaccination shot to test COVID 19 immunity. Which is the control group?

Technically both can be the control group. However, it is what the researchers are specifically looking at and how they want to control or manipulate their experiment. "A control group receives either a "standard" treatment or, in some cases, a "sham" treatment and provides a basis for comparison with the other treatment groups."


What is your SI Leader's email?




As people intake more alcohol, emotional reactions to frightening stimuli decreases. (Direction/Relationship)



True or False

Random sampling is a bad form of sampling that enables bias and is untrustworthy—not valid.

False, random sampling is a good form of sampling as it actually eliminates biases, as those who are selected from the population all have an equal chance to be chosen. Also, it ensures validity (trustworthy)


True or false

If an observed effect is Statistically Significant, it means that it is rarely due to chance.



When are SI sessions held for this course? (date & time)

Fridays, 8:30AM, or 8:30AM - 9:45AM


In a study, psychologists found that being more polite to people tends to make them more cooperative.

IV: Being Polite/Politeness

DV: Cooperation

Direction: Positive


What are the four "Cautions about sample surveys" and create an example from one of the four cautions.

- Under-coverage

- Nonresponse

- Response Bias

- Wording effects

Identify the individuals, factor(s), and treatment(s).

Does excessive social media use affect our stress levels? The subjects studied were 60 CSUDH students, utilizing random sampling. Half of the students were to utilize 0-4 hours a day, and the other half were to utilize 5-8 hours a day. 

individuals/subjects: 60 CSUDH students

Factor: # of hours per day

Treatments: 0-4 hours/day and 5-8 hours/day

Response variable (DV): ex: self-reported questionnaires


Name a service that the TLTC provides.

SI Program

Tutoring Services (Group Tutoring/One on One tutoring/Study Hall)

Net Tutor Tutoring