Chinese Tradition
Amy Tan
Minister's family

What was the mother pulling black veins out of?

The mother is pulling black veins through the Prawns

What are the utensils the family members use to eat?

The family members use chopsticks


Amy Tan had a crush on who?

Robert the Minister's son


What does Amy Tan do when she hears her mother invited the prime minister?

Amy Tan cries when she hears her mother invited the prime minister.


Which food has criss cross cuts on it's back that resemble tire marks?

The squid had criss-cross cuts on it's back

What did the father do to show his appreciation for the meal?

The father burped loudly to show his appreciation for the meal.


Amy's mother gave her a present at the end of the story what was it?

A beige tweed skirt.


What did Amy Tan do when Robert grunted hello?

Amy Tan pretended Robert wasn't worthy of her existence


Which food was described as rubbery white sponges?

Tofu was described as rubbery white sponges.


(True/False) The family waited for the food to be passed to them?

False (The family didn't wait for the food to be passed to them.)


Along with Robert's affections, Amy wished for what for Christmas?

Amy wished for a slim American nose.


When Tan's mother brought out the steamed fish what look did Robert give?

Robert gave a look of disgust


 Which part of the fish is Amy's favorite, according to her father

The fish eye is Amy Tans favorite.


When you eat the noodles and liquid, what is it appropriate to do to show you're satisfied?

It is appropriate to slurp your food to show your satisfied.


When Amy heard Robert's family was coming over for dinner what did Amy do?

Amy Tan cries when she heard Robert's family was coming over for dinner.


What did the minister do when he was informed about the Chinese tradition?

He burped quietly


This food is called the "fish cheek"?

The eye of the fish is called the fish cheeks.


What did the Amy Tan's family do that was different from the Minister's family (Multiple answers)

Amy Tan's family slurped their food very loudly while the ministers family didn't,

Amy Tan's family automatically took the food while the Ministers family waited to get the food (Any difference you find you still get the point)

(True/False) Amy Tan learned shortly after this dinner to appreciate her Chinese Heritage

False (She learned long after the dinner to appreciate her Chinese heritage)


 How does Amy Tan describe Robert as?

Amy Tan describes Robert as a white boy but not Chinese white