Child Health
Maternal Health
Number of deaths per 1,000 live births
What is infant mortality rate?
A deficiency in this micronutrient leads to neural tube defects and is recommended for women of child bearing age as part of preconception health
What is folate?
The ratio of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
What is maternal mortality?
In 1907, the First Bureau of Child Hygiene was established in this city
What is New York City?
This legislation, which was the first to provide grants to the states to establish preventive health programs for mothers and infants, was passed in 1921
What is the Sheppard-Towner Act/Maternity and Infancy Act?
These infants are more vulnerable to mortality, but if they survive their life courses can be relatively normal
What are premature infants?
The ACOG recommendation for number of prenatal visits for a normal low-risk woman
What is 13 (initial visit in first 6 weeks, once per month until 28th week, every 2 weeks until 36th week, and once a week thereafter)?
When these three risk factors are included, maternal mortality increases considerably
What are injury, drugs, and violence?
This president convened the first White House Conference on children in 1909
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
Enacted as part of the Social Security Act of 1935, this program consists of four parts- MCH Services, Services for Crippled Children, Child Welfare Services, and Vocational Rehabilitation
What is Title V?
One of the four periods where there was little or no decline in infant mortality
What is the Great Depression/ the 1950's to mid 1960s/ the early 1980s/ 2002?
The percentage of births that take place in a hospital in the U.S.
What is 99%?
Two of the major causes for all US maternal deaths reported in 1997
What is hemorrhage, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy-induced hypertension, embolism, and infection?
This professional organization grew out of the debate within the AMA over the Sheppard-Towner Act
What is the American Academy of Pediatrics?
Contrary to previous legislation, grants through the special projects under Title V could be allocated to this type of institution
What are private, non-profit institutions?
The federal agency located within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that funds Title V, the national maternal and child block grant program.
What is the Maternal and Child Health Bureau?
The syndrome that is associated with the American Academy of Pediatrics "Back to Sleep" campaign.
What is SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)?
The black maternal death ratio has been this much higher than compared to the risk for whites since the 1940s.
What is threefold/fourfold?
This program, which was launched in 1965 to improve intellectual development of preschool children, had secondary benefits in increasing access to health services for these children
What is Head Start?
This is the income cut-off for Mediciaid eligibility for pregnant women and children up to the age of six according to the 1989 OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)
What is 133% of the federal poverty level? (Though states were allowed to expand to 185%)
This program was established as Title XXI of the Social Security Act and provides medical coverage for uninsured children who do not qualify due to family income for Medicaid.
What is SCHIP (State Child Health Insurance Program)?
This program provides nutritional supplementation and education to over 40% of all newborns and their breastfeeding mothers.
What is WIC (Women, Infants & Children)?
For pregnant women, identification as this determines the nature of prenatal care and the delivery experience, as well as exposure to technological interventions, relationships with healthcare providers, and even the ability to maintain custody of infants
What is "high risk"?
This presidential administration oversaw the transition from categorical grants to block grants under Title V and Medicaid
What is the Reagan Administration?
The PREEMIE (Prematurity Research Expansion and Education for Mothers who Deliver Infants Early) Act of 2006 increased research on the causes of premature delivery at which organizations
What is NIH and CDC?