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This hormone is the basis for pregnancy test
What is hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
This is Naegele's rule for calculating an estimated date of birth.
What is minus 3 calendar months from the first day of the LMP, plus 7 days
These five factors affect the process of labor and birth. They are also known as the five P's.
What is passenger, passageway, powers, position and psychologic response.
This monitor can measure and record the frequency and approximate duration of uterine contractions but not their intensity
What is tocotransducer?
The return of the uterus to its nonpregnant state
What is involution?
Uterine contractions that are irregular, painless, and cease with walking
What are Braxton Hicks contractions?
According to Naegele's rule, calculate a mother's estimated date of birth if the last menstrual period was July 15, 2015
What is April 22, 2016
According to this theory pain sensation travel along sensory nerve pathways to the brain, but only a limited number of sensations, or messages, can travel through these nerve pathways at one time.
What is gate-control theory of pain?
These two tests can confirm ruptured membranes
What are nitrazine and fern tests?
This is the most frequent cause of excessive bleeding after birth
What is uterine atony?
These are the functions of amniotic fluid (name at least 3).
What are: helps maintain a constant body temperature, serves as a source of oral fluid, serves as a repository for waste, assists in maintenance of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, allows freedom of movement, cushions the fetus from trauma, acts as a barrier to infection, allows fetal lung development, and keeps the embryo from tangling with the membranes
The practice of consuming nonfood substances or excessive amounts of foods low in nutritional value and is associated with anemia
What is pica?
This stage of labor is divided into 3 phases: latent, active, and transition
What is first stage of labor?
This type of FHR and uterine activity monitoring is not interrupted by fetal or maternal movement or affected by maternal size
What is internal monitoring?
This type of uterine discharge is seen after delivery of the placenta and it is bright red and may have small clots
What lochia rubra ?
This clear yellow fluid may be present in the breast as early as 16 weeks gestation
What is colostrum?
This defect is more common in infants of women with poor folic acid intake
What is neural tube defects?
This block is useful if an episiotomy is to be performed but it does not relieve the pain from uterine contractions
What is pudendal nerve block?
It is a characteristic of the baseline FHR and does not include accelerations or decelerations of the FHR.
What is variability of the FHR?
This causes the uterus to be boggy and displaced above the umbilicus
What is a full or distended bladder?
These are the three categories for the signs of pregnancy. Give one example for each category.
What are: Presumptive- amenorrhea, fatigue, breast changes Probable- changes observed by an examiner hegar sign, ballottement, pregnancy tests Positive- hearing fetal heart tones, visualizing the fetus, palpating fetal movements.
This measurement is one indicator of fetal growth
What is fundal height
Assuming this position achieves relief from a spinal headache
What is supine?
Leopold maneuvers help to answer three questions
What is what fetal part is in the uterine fundus, what is where is the fetal back located, what is what is the presenting fetal part?
In the postpartum period, Asian women consumes only "hot" foods and beverages. Give 2 examples
What is rice, beef, eggs, and chicken soup?