How did the NICHD differ from previous studies?
Considered other influential variables like quality of alternative care, quality of home environment and mother's sensitivity
What two functions were tested for school readiness?
Cognitive functioning and behavioral functioning
What are the three major policies that could help in moving forward?
Parental leave, work flexibility, and affordability/availability of high-quality child care
What are the two main factors that play a role in child well-being?
Time and money
Why were no effects shown on Bayley MDI scores?
Skills tapped in first 2yrs are different than what are needed later in life
Skills tested in this test may be less influenced by environmental events
Which type of employment (part-time or full-time) showed small detrimental behaviors in kindergarten?
Who has higher rates of childhood obesity?
African American and Latino
What are the two aspects of time?
Quality and quantity
What do Beta Coefficients outline?
Outline the strength of the effect the IV has on the DV
What played a role in whether children's later reading and math skills was more or less advantageous?
Greater/limited resources
How is the children's weight like a thermostat?
Genetics + prenatal conditions + early environment create the set point but interactions with environmental influences cause the fluctuations
What is one reason more mothers work now than they used to?
Higher education