This condition is characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Answer: What is preeclampsia?
The first stage of labor consists of three phases: latent, active, and this phase.
What is the transition phase?
The term for excessive bleeding following childbirth.
What is postpartum hemorrhage?
The normal respiratory rate for a newborn.
What is 30-60 breaths per minute?
This medication is given to Rh-negative mothers to prevent antibody formation.
What is RhoGAM?
A painless, bright red vaginal bleed in the third trimester may indicate this condition.
Answer: What is placenta previa?
This term describes a baby’s head passing through the vaginal opening.
What is crowning?
This hormone helps the uterus contract and aids in milk ejection.
What is oxytocin?
A white, cheese-like substance that protects the fetal skin.
What is vernix caseosa?
A drug used to stimulate contractions in labor.
What is Pitocin (oxytocin)?
This type of diabetes occurs only during pregnancy and increases the risk of fetal macrosomia.
What is gestational diabetes?
The most common fetal presentation for delivery.
What is cephalic (vertex) presentation?
The acronym BUBBLE-HE is used to assess the postpartum mother. Name one component.
What is (Breasts, Uterus, Bladder, Bowels, Lochia, Episiotomy, Homan’s sign, Emotional state)?
A newborn reflex where the baby flings out their arms when startled.
What is the Moro reflex?
A pain management technique that involves injecting medication into the epidural space.
What is an epidural?
Severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that leads to dehydration and weight loss.
What is hyperemesis gravidarum?
This electronic monitoring method tracks uterine contractions and fetal heart rate.
What is an external fetal monitor?
The expected rate of uterine involution per day postpartum.
What is 1 cm per day?
Yellowing of the skin due to increased bilirubin levels.
What is neonatal jaundice?
This medication is given to stop preterm labor contractions.
What is terbutaline? (Table 18-2)
A life-threatening condition where the placenta detaches from the uterus prematurely.
What is placental abruption?
A complication where the umbilical cord slips through the cervix before the baby.
What is a prolapsed cord?
A severe postpartum mental health disorder that includes hallucinations and delusions.
What is postpartum psychosis?
A condition where the baby’s head is misshapen due to pressure during birth.
What is molding?
A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prevention method for postpartum patients.
What is early ambulation or compression stockings?