L & D Medications
Assessment Tools and Testing
High Risk Complications

This is given to provide passive immunity by suppressing antibody response and formation of anti-Rh(D) in Rh-negative mos exposed to Rh-positive blood in the fetus.

What is RhoGAM?


Performed as early as 15 weeks gestation what invasive test uses amniotic fluid to determine the presence of chromosomal abnormalities, gender, and fetal lung maturity. 

What is Amniocentesis?


BUBBLE-HE acronym stands for this.

What is 

Breast, uterus, bladder, bowel, lochia, episiotomy/lacerations, hemorrhoids, & emotional status?


The two hallmark signs of preeclampsia.

What is hypertension and proteinuria?


State 3 expected findings for a newborn that is withdrawing from drugs.

What are hyperirritability, inconsolability, hypertonicity, poor feeding, poor sleeping, rigidness, frequent sneezing, frequent yawning, and loose stools?


This synthetic hormone is used commonly in labor and delivery to stimulate uterine contractions.

What is Pitocin/Oxytocin? 


Performed around 34 weeks gestation what assessment tool uses contraction stimulation to test the fetal heart rate using an external fetal monitor.   

What is a Contraction stress test?


The process of the uterus shrinking and descending one finger breath per day after birth.

What is involution?


Too much amniotic fluid.

What is Polyhydramnios or Hydramnios? 


Recommended intervals for newborn feeding.

What is every 3 hours and on demand?


Phytonadione or Vitamin K injection is given to neonates to prevent this.

What is prevent Vitamin K deficiency that would lead to insufficient clotting factors?   


Non-invasive way to estimate baby's position in utero. 

What is Leopold's maneuver?


First days of dark or bright red vaginal discharge are called this.

What is Lochia Rubra?


Amount of blood loss that indicates an early sign of postpartum hemorrhage for a cesarean birth. 

What is 1000mL?


State 3 risk factors for preterm birth.

What is UTI, previous PTL, infection, hypertension, low socioeconomic status, poor nutrition, drugs, alcohol abuse, smoking, & African American?


Calcium channel blockers commonly given to relax uterine contractions and prevent preterm birth.

What is Nifedipine?


This screening test provides a probability for the presence of neural tube defects or chromosomal disorders such as Down Syndrome. 

What is Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening (MSAFP)?


Nursing intervention for a boggy fundus.

What is massage?


State 3 expected complications of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.

What is 

Falling BP

Falling H & H

Abdominal pain

Shoulder pain

Loss of consciousness?


This condition develops from high serum bilirubin levels that cross the blood-brain barrier causing brain damage.

What is Kernicterus?


Erythromycin is given to the infant at birth to help prevent this condition.

These two STIs increase the risk for this condition.

What is neonatal conjunctivitis and ophthalmia neonatorum?

What is gonorrhea and chlamydia?


This diagnostic test can be performed up to twelve weeks gestation and help confirm pregnancy, determine gestational age, visualize number of fetuses, location of placenta, estimate volume of amniotic fluid. 

What is a Transvaginal ultrasound?


The initial breastmilk that is produced for the first several days postpartum and is rich in protective antibodies.

What is Colostrum? 


State 2 signs of magnesium toxicity.

What is muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, bradypnea, & changes in mental status?


State the 5 criteria assessed in APGAR scoring.

The purpose of APGAR scoring is.....

What are HR, Color, Respiratory effort, Reflex/irritability, & tone?

What is determine the need for resuscitation?