Fetal Development/Environment
Signs of Pregnancy
Prenatal Care
Define, Define, Define
DQ Questions

When is the fetus' heartbeat detected by a doppler transducer?

Between 10-12 weeks. 


Violet coloration of the mucous membranes of the cervix.

Chadwicks sign


When a client is 36 weeks pregnant how often should their visits be?

Every week 


Define nulligravida

a client who has never been pregnant 


A nurse is assisting with the care of a client who is in labor. The client speaks a different language than the nurse is grimacing. Which of the following actions should the nurse take while waiting for an interpreter?

A) Administer pain medication

B) Change the client's position

C) Insert an indwelling urinary catheter 

D) Prepare for an epidural insertion

B) Change the client's position

Offering position changes and comfort measures such as drinks or ice, heat packs, and other tangible items will aid in relieving pain and developing trust. A stoic persona might not mean the client is not in need of pain management. 


What is the volume of amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy?


Softening of the uterine 

Hegar's sign


How can a client relieve morning sickness?

Eat crackers or dry toast before rising in the morning to relieve discomfort. Instruct client to avoid having an empty stomach and ingesting spicy, greasy, or gas-forming foods. Encourage the client to drink fluids between meals NOT during meals. 


define multipara

has completed two or more preganancies to stage of viability. 


The plan of care indicates the newborn's mother is HIV positive and plans to breastfeed. Which of the following findings should the nurse address with the newborns interdisicplinary team?

A) Hepatitis B vaccine

B) Antiretrovial regimen

C) Vitamin K

D) Breastfeeding

D) Breastfeeding

HIV is a contraindication to breastfeeding and required discussion with the newborn's interdisciplinary team. 


Describe the role of the umbilical cord. 

How many arteries and veins does it contain?

Contains two arteries and one vein

The arteries carry deoxygenated blood and waste from the fetus. 

The vein carries oxygenated blood and provies oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. 


Irregular painless contractions that may occur intermittently through pregancy.

Braxton Hick's contractions


What is the intervention if a client is experiencing breast tenderness as a result of pregnancy 

the client should wear a bra that provides adequate support. 


What is epistaxis 

a nosebleed


A nurse is caring for a client who is 6 hours postpartum following a dysfunctional labor. Which of the following statements by the client indicates a possible complication?

A) "Suddenly, I seem to be urinating all the time."

B) "I am really thirsty and hungry this morning."

C) "I think I have changed my pad every 15 minutes."

D) "Honestly, I'm so tired I don't want to hold the baby."

C. "I think I have changed my pad every 15 minutes"!!!!!

A saturated pas every 15 minutes is an indication of excessive blood loss. 


What week is every organ present in an embryo?

Week 8


softening of the cervical tip

Goodell's sign

Between what weeks does the majority of birth defects occur?

2-8 weeks

Define linea nigra

dark line of pigmentation from the umbilicus extending to the pubic area


A nurse is collecting data from a client who is at 34 weeks of gestation and has a cardiac disorder. The nurse should notify the provider about which of the following findings?

A) The client reports a frequency cough

B) The client reports that none of her shoes fit anymore

C) The client reports a weight gain of 2lb in a 2 week period

D) The client reports leg cramps in the evening

A) The client reports a frequent cough.

A frequent cough could be an indication of cardiac decomposition and should be reported to the provider. 


What is the earliest a baby can be born and survive?

Week 28. 


rebound of the unengaged fetus



Name AT LEAST 3 common discomdorts of pregnancy

N/V, breast tenderness, urinary frequency, UTI's, fatigue, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, backaches, SOB, leg cramps, varicose veins and lower extremity edema, gingivitis; nasal stuffiness; and epistaxis, braxton hicks contraindications, supine hypotension


Define straie gravidarum 

stretch marks most notably found of the abdomen and thighs. 


A nurse is assisting with the care of a client who is experiencing preterm labor. which of the following medications should the nurse anticipate administering to enchance fetal lung maturation?

A) Betamethasone

B) Nifedipine

C) Indomethacin

D) Verpamil

B) Betamethasone 

Betamethasone is administered as an antental hlucocorticoid therapy and is given to clients who are experiencing preterm labor to stimulate fetal lung maturation.