**What is milia?
White cysts occurs on face
Skin assessment with Term vs Preterm?
Term- cracking, wrinkles, peeling
Preterm- smooth
What should you assist the mom who is starting to breastfeed?
Position of mother
Position of infant
Position of mother hands
Latch on techniques
Suckling pattern
Removal from the breast
Signs of Maternal Problems with breastfeeding?
Hard tender breasts
Red cracked bleeding nipples
Flat or inverted nipples
Localized edema or pain
Fever, aching or malaise
Signs of threatened abortion?
Spotting or light bleeding in first half of pregnancy
Uterine cramping
Persistent backache or pelvic pressure
Half will not survive
What is Erythema Toxicum?
Newborn rash
When should Vitamin K and eye treatment be done?
First hour after birth
What is a good latch?
Top of the nose touching moms breast
Baby is latched to areola and nipple
Lips are fanned out
Hear “ Suck, suck, suck swallow”
How should the formula be prepared?
Should be diluted exactly according to directions
Should not be heated in the microwave
Water should be boiled for 1 minutes
Prepared bottle should be used within 24 hours
Sterilize all bottles and equipment
Do not prop bottle
Well water should be tested
Interventions for THeatened abortion?
HCg level test
Vaginal ultrasound
No sexual activty until bleeding as stoped
Square window term vs preterm?
Preterm- 90 degree
Term- 0
What do you do for Cord care?
Check for bleeding or oozing
Check base for redness, drainage or edema
Cord starts to dry and fall off in 10-14 days
Clean with water, let dry
Fold diaper below cord
What should you do for a mom that has sore nipples?
Check the positioning of the infant
Vary the position of the infant
Warm Water compresses
Expose nipples to the air
How is fetal alcohol syndrome characterized?
Prenatal and postnatal growth restriction
Central nervous system
Recognizable combination of facial features
What is an inevitable abortion?
Membranes ruptures and cervix dilates
If bleeding is excessive then D&C is used
Posture term vs preterm?
Preterm- Out straight
Term- bent arms and legs
What does oxytocin do during breastfeeding?
Let down reflex
How long should the mom breastfeed for?
15-20 minutes
What are the effects of cocaine on mother and baby?
Abruptio placentae
Increased fetal movement
Late decelerations
What is an incomplete abortion?
Some products are expelled but not all
Need to dilate and evacuate
Scarf Sign term vs preterm?
No resistance with moving - preterm
Resistance -term
What does prolactin do during breastfeeding?
Increases milk production
What are bad signs of breastfeeding?
Falling asleep in five minutes
Tongue thrusting
Smacking or clicking sounds
Dimpling of cheeks
Failure to open mouth wide
No audible swallowing
Short choppy motions of the jaw
What is the cycle of violence?
Tension building phase
Battering incident
Honeymoon phase
What happens with an incomplete abortion if they are further than 14 weeks?
Given IV pitocin to stimulate contractions