Finally OB
is finished.
One more
course in
this term.

A full term newborn weighs 3600 grams at birth. What would the nurse expect the newborn to weigh in grams, 3 days later?

3300 grams


The nurse is assessing a preterm infant. To what does the infant's maturation level refer?

Ability of the organs to function outside of the uterus.


What term describes the age of a neonate that is based on the actual time in utero?

Gestational age


A newborn was just admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with meningomyelocele. What is the priority preoperative nursing care of this newborn?

Position prone in an incubator.


What occurrence results from obstruction within the ventricles of the brain or inadequate reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid?



What is the optimal time for testing for phenylketonuria?

After 2 to 3 days


Parents of a 2 month old infant with Down's Syndrome are attending a well visit at the pediatric clinic. What should they be instructed to provide special attention to in regard to the generalized hypotonicity of the child?

Respiratory care


The nurse explains that between 8 and 12 weeks gestation, what characteristics have developed in the fetus?

Fully formed arms and legs


What statement by the nurse best explains the meaning of an incompetent cervix?

The cervix cannot support the weight of the fetus.


The nurse correctly informs the client that clients with diabetes are at risk for developing what condition during pregnancy?

Pregnancy-induced hypertension


What nursing action is best for meeting the client's needs during the transition phase of labor?

Praising the client frequently


When the fetus is in the left occipitoposterior (LOP) position, what nursing intervention is most appropriate?

Assisting the client to the knee-chest position to relieve back pain.


The nurse is caring for a client in preterm labor. The HCP writes an order for terbutaline sulfate. When is it necessary for the nurse to withhold the terbutaline and notify the HCP?

When the cervix is dilated 4cm or greater or the cervix is effaced 50% or more.


The nurse is caring for a 30 year-old multiparous client who is in the transition phase of the first stage of labor. When should the nurse begin preparing this client for delivery?

When the client is about 7 cm dilated.


The nurse is aware that epidural anesthetic will take how long to become effective?



A client asks, "Why do I have to have an episiotomy?" What response by the nurse best explains the need for an episiotomy?

An episiotomy is necessary to prevent perineal laceration.


What item should the nurse have available to meet the infant's priority need immediately after birth?

Bulb syringe


How should the nurse position the client when assessing the perineum after an episiotomy?

Sim's position


The newborn is assigned an apgar score of 7 at 5 minutes. The nurse understands that the newborn is in what condition based on the apgar score?

Vigorous, with no signs of distress.


A postpartum client is scheduled to receive the rubella vaccine before discharge. Before giving the vaccine the nurse should determine if the client is allergic to what medication?

Neomycin sulfate


When administering Rho(d) immune globulin to an Rh-negative mother who gave birth to an Rh-positive infant, what is the maximum length of time the nurse has to give the medication?

72 hours after delivery.


What nursing instruction is most appropriate regarding breast engorgement?

Feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours.


After a bath, the nurse checks the newborn's temperature and it is 97.0F. What nursing intervention is most appropriate?

Place the newborn in a preheated radiant warmer and gradually rewarm over a period of 2 hours or more.


The nurse correctly explains that it is best to place the newborn in what position in the crib after feeding?



It would be correct for the nurse to explain that most untreated infants who contract HIV in utero typically develop AIDS symptoms at what age?

By age 1 to 2 years.