Your patient is sensitve to RH antigen you should anticpate to give which medication ordered by the physcian?
The nurse is performing an assessment on a client who is at 38 wks. and notes that the FHR is 174 bpm. the appropriate nursing action is to do this.
What is Notify the physician. Rational: The fetal heart rate depends on gestational age and ranges from 160 to 170 beats/min in the first trimester but slows with fetal growth to 120 to 160 beats/min near or at term. At or near term, if the fetal heart rate is less than 120 or more than 160 beats/min with the uterus at rest, the fetus may be in distress. Because the FHR is increased from the reference range, the nurse should notify the physician. Although the nurse documents the findings, based on the information in the question, the physician needs to be notified.
This type of labor dystocia presents with contractions that are short, irregular, and weak.
What is Hypotonic
The first two hours after birth.
What is Stage 4 of Labor?
Length of time for the development of the embryonic. stage
What is 8 weeks
A client on MgSO4 should be monitored for this type of neurological adverse reaction.
What is a seizure/convulsion
The patient comes to the clinc today complaingin of bright red painless bleeding.
What is placenta priveia
This would be the 1st action for a 20 y/o G1P0 at 39wks who is in active labor showing variable fetal heart rate decelerations.
What is Change the maternal position
Exercises that can assist the woman in regaining muscle tone after birth.
What are Kegel exercises?
Dome-shaped top of the uterus.
What is the Fundus?
This medication is commonly used in the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome in newborns
What is Celestine (betamethasone)
The nurse should assess this 1st after an amniotomy has been performed.
What is The FHR pattern
During a forceps delivery, the nurse would monitor the client closely for the risk of this major complication.
What is Uterine rupture
Postpartum assessment of the fundus is performed in this manner.
What is one hand on the lower uterine area the other at the top of the fundus gentally palpating
Cervical and vaginal mucosa violet-bluish in color
What is Chadwick sign?
This medication is used as an emergency intervention for serious postpartum hemorrhage; smooth muscle consticter drug
What is methylergonovine (Methergine)
The nurse notes that the client began her last menses on March 7, 2008. Using Nagele's rule, the nurse estimates the due date to be this.
What is December 14, 2008.
A labor room nurse assists with the administration of an epidural regional block. The nurse monitors this for the major side effect associated with this type of regional anesthesia.
What is Monitoring maternal BP?
This is an indication of a paralytic ileus 36 hours after a C-section
What are absent bowel sounds?
Biochemical marker in maternal urine or serum that results in a positive pregnancy test result.
What is human chorionic gonadotropin (HcG)?
This medication is often used for the ripening of the cervix and induction of labor.
What is Cervidil (dinoprostone)
A pregnant 16 year old @ 22 weeks comes to the doctors office today and is complaining of having difficulty seeing, swelling feet and gaining 4 pounds in 2 days. The nurse should know this is a danger signal for which complication?
What is preeclampsia
A client in labor is dilated 10 cm. At this point of the labor process, the nurse would plan to assess and document the FHR at least this often.
What is Every 15 Min.
This type of vaginal discharge is red and present for one to three days following delivery.
What is Lochia Rubra?
These contractions do not get closer together, do not increase in how long they last or how often they occur, and do not feel stronger over time. They often come with a change of position and stop with rest.
What is Braxton Hicks-false labor