Can you list one sign or symptom that your baby is having difficulty breathing?
Answer: Grunting, chest retractions, nose flaring, change in color, high pitch crying
Rationale: These are all abnormal signs and symptoms a newborn with difficulty breathing would present with.
What temperature do you call the health care provider for?
Answer: 100.4
Normal range 97.7-99.5 (36.5-37.5)
How often should a newborn eat?
Answer:Breast feed 2-3 hours , bottle feed 3-4
Rational: Poor feeding in infants can lead to serious issues, such as malnutrition and stunted growth. It is essential that babies consume and digest the necessary nutrients to thrive and develop.Which is why we want to educate you as parents when to see your HCP.
How long do you count a newborns respirations?
Answer: 60 seconds
Rational: Newborns normally have irregular respirations, so you need to count for a full minute. There should be no pauses longer than about ten seconds between breaths.
Where should the temperature be taken in a newborn?
Answer: Under the armpit (Axillary) or Rectally
Rational: The baby's temperature is most accurate when taking in these areas.
What are 2 signs of good adequate feedings?
Answer: Your baby starts a few rapid sucks followed by long , rhythmic sucks and swallows with occasional pauses , hearing and seeing your baby swallowing, baby shows signs of wanting to eat, they seem calm and relaxed during feeds.
True or False , do new borns normally have irregular breathing?
Answer: True
Rational:Newborns tend to have an irregular breathing pattern that alternates between fast and slow, with occasional pauses. A pause in breathing up to 20 seconds indicates an apneic episode.
What list two signs and symptoms of a fever with a newborn?
Answer: A temperature above 100.4 , baby feel hot and look flushed, not eating , more sleepier than usual
What are things that can be done to enhance feeding?
Answer: Creating a comfortable environment, checking newborns temperature, checking if the newborn needs a diaper change.
When are good times to observe the newborns breathing?
Answer: It is important to observe babies breathing at home when feeding, sleeping, or crying
What is the main complication of temperature loss in a newborn?
Answer: Cold Stress
Rational: This is when there is a decrease in environmental temperature that causes a decrease in the newborn's body temperature
What are the signs and symptoms of poor feeding in a newborn?
Answer:Refuses to eat, vomits frequently,has gas when feeding, cries during feeding, takes an extended time to eat, unable to hold food or liquid in mouth, has noticeable difficulty chewing or swallowing, weight loss
Can you explain to me what is respiratory distress in a newborn?
Respiratory distress in a newborn is when the newborn is not getting enough oxygen or air when normally breathing
Can you explain what a fever and cold stress are in newborn?
Fever- any temperature above 100.4 degrees (S/S include crying inconsolably, sleeping more than normal and having a hard time waking the baby up, their body feels hot, their face looks flushed and red, not eating, presents with a rash, severe vomiting or diarrhea.
Cold Stress- The baby is too cold due to temperature loss (S/S include cool, pale extremities, decreased movement and alertness, poor feeding, and respiratory difficulty)
Why is it important to know your newborn is getting proper nutrition?
Answer: Adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to ensure the growth, health, and development of children to their full potential.