US History
Chemistry Elements
Microscope Parts

This document, adopted on July 4, 1776, declared the thirteen American colonies independent from British rule.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This element, with the chemical symbol H, is the most abundant element in the universe and is essential for life as it forms the basis of water and organic compounds.

What is Hydrogen?


This American rock band, known for their flamboyant stage presence and anthemic songs like "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You," was fronted by Freddie Mercury.

Who is Queen?


This Broadway musical, based on a novel by Gregory Maguire, serves as a prequel to "The Wizard of Oz" and features songs like "Defying Gravity" and "Popular."

What is "Wicked"?


This part of the microscope holds the specimen in place for observation.

What is the stage?


This war, fought from 1861 to 1865, was a conflict between the Northern states (Union) and the Southern states (Confederacy) over issues including slavery and states' rights.

What is the American Civil War?


This noble gas is the second most abundant element in the universe and is commonly used in balloons and airships for its low density.

What is Helium?


This English rock band, formed in the 1960s, is famous for hits like "Paint It Black" and "Satisfaction."

Who are The Rolling Stones?


This musical, featuring music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and based on a book by T.S. Eliot, tells the story of a tribe of cats called the Jellicles.

 What is "Cats"?


This lens, located closest to the specimen, magnifies the image further.

What is the objective lens?


This president, known as the "Father of His Country," served as the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797.

Who is George Washington?


This metal is one of the most abundant elements on Earth and is essential for many biological processes, including oxygen

What is Iron?


This iconic song, first recorded by Louis Armstrong in 1967, became one of his signature songs and is known for its optimistic and uplifting lyrics celebrating the beauty of the world.

What is "What a Wonderful World"?


This legendary Broadway musical, based on a novel by Victor Hugo, features songs like "I Dreamed a Dream" and "One Day More."

What is "Les Misérables"?


This part of the microscope, located under the stage, focuses light onto the specimen.

What is the condenser?


This document, ratified in 1787, established the framework of the US government, including the three branches of government and the system of checks and balances.

What is the US Constitution?


This element, with the chemical symbol Na, is a highly reactive metal that reacts violently with water, forming a strong alkali solution.

What is Sodium?


This iconic Michael Jackson song, released in 1983, became one of the best-selling singles of all time and is known for its distinctive bassline, infectious rhythm, and iconic music video featuring his signature dance moves.

What is "Billie Jean"?


This Broadway musical, created by Lin-Manuel Miranda, tells the story of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton through a blend of hip-hop, R&B, and traditional show tunes.

What is "Hamilton"?


This part of the microscope, often found on the arm or base, is used to carry the microscope.

What is the handle or arm?


This event, which occurred on December 7, 1941, prompted the United States to enter World War II.

What is the attack on Pearl Harbor?


This halogen element, with the chemical symbol Cl, is widely used as a disinfectant and is an essential nutrient for humans in small amounts.

What is Chlorine?


This song, released in 1971 by John Lennon, features powerful lyrics advocating for peace and unity, becoming an anthem for the peace movement and one of the best-selling singles of all time.

What is "Imagine"?


This Broadway musical, based on Greek mythology and featuring music by Stephen Schwartz, tells the story of the Greek god of the underworld and his journey to the surface to rescue his wife, Eurydice.

What is "Hadestown"?


This lens, located in the eyepiece, further magnifies the image produced by the objective lens.

 What is the ocular lens or eyepiece?