what are the two integers
what is positive and negitive
what is the formula for the Pythagorean theorem
what is a2+b2=c2 or c2-a2=b2
what are the two parts of a fraction
what is the numerator and denominator
what percent is an entire object
what is 100%
what do you do when solving an equation
what is do the opposite operation
what is this: x2 called
what is an exponent
what are the two types of fractions
what are mixed numbers and improper fraction
what percent is the fraction 1/2
what is 50%
what is the diffrence between and exprestion and equation
what is expresions can't be solved equation can be solved
5/12 +8/6
what is 21/12 or 111/2
50% +20%
what is 70%
what is the value of x? 6x=24
what is 4
what is 200%
expand this equation. 8(5x+12-2t)
what is 40+96-16t
what is -60%
answer for t 2(4t+17)-4=78
what is 6