What is 11 X 5
what is 55
357 + 61
What is 418
Convert 3/10 to a percent
What is 30%
Convert 0.35 to a fraction
What is 35/100
Convert 3/10 to a decimal
What is 0.3
What is 25 x 4
What is 100
699 + 22
What is 721
Convert 4/100 to a percent
What is 4%
Convert 38% to a fraction
What is 38/100
Convert 5 56/100 to a decimal
What is 5.56
9 x 3
What is 27
1234589 + 6
What is 1,234,595
Convert 0.08 to a percent
What is 8%
Convert 3.05 to a fraction
What is 3 5/100
Convert 45% to a decimal
What is 0.45
345 X 45
What is 15,525
345 + 67
What is 23,115
Convert 3.5 to a percent
What is 305%
convert 45.009 to a fraction
What is 45 9/1000
Convert 234% to a decimal
What is 0.234
458 x 6
What is 2,901
23456 + 657
What is 24,113
convert 2/5 to a percent
What is 40%
Convert 45.6% to a fraction
What is 45 6/10
Convert 23/100 to a decimal
What is 0.23