Percents and Ratios
Area/Surface Area
Integers/Absolute Value/Coordinate Grid
Properties/Operations with Fractions

Do this to compare fractions, decimals, and percents.

What is change ALL into percents or decimals?


This is the formula for the area of a triangle.

What is A=1/2bh or Area is equal to base x height /2 or A=0.5 x base x height?


This goes around the outside of a shape (add all sides).  The units you will use are: cm, ft, yd, in, mi, m.

What is perimeter?


This is the distance an integer is away from zero.  The answer for this is always a positive number.  An example to represent this is  /-3/ = 3

What is absolute value?


Name these two properties in the correct order:

1st            w  +   0   =   w        always = itself

2nd           w  •   1    =  w         always = itself

What is the additive identity property for the 1st example and multiplicative identity property for the 2nd example?


Know that 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1/3, 2/3  is equal to which decimal and percent.

What is 1/4 is equal to .25 and 25 %; 1/2 is equal to 0.5 and 50%; 3/4 is equal to .75 and 75%; 1/3 is equal to .333333 and 33.33%; and 2/3 is equal to .66666 and 66.66%?


This is the inside of a shape. 

What is area?


This is the distance around the outside of a circle.

What is circumference?


You would use this statement to find these on a coordinate grid:  "You have to walk side to side before you can go up or down in the elevator."

What is ordered pairs?


Name these two properties in the correct order:

1st           w  •  0   =   0             always = 0

2nd          w  x 1/w   =  1           always = 1

What is the multiplicative property of zero for the 1st example and multiplicative inverse property for the 2nd example?


These are 1/9, 2/9, 3/9, 4/9 . . . as fractions, decimals, and percents.

What is 1/9 is equal to .11111 and 11.11%; 2/9 is equal to .22222 and 22.22%; 3/9 is equal to .33333 and 33.33%; 4/9 is equal to .44444 and 44.44% and so on?


A rectangle would use the formula A= l x w.  The units you would use are:  square cm, square ft, square yd, square in or square inches.

What is area?


This is a ratio of a circle’s circumference to the diameter.   

What is a Pi?


These are the names of the quadrants in a coordinate grid.

What is Quadrants I, II, III and IV?  

Note:  Quadrant I  is in the upper right of the coordinate grid.  Then you move counterclockwise to II (upper left), III (bottom left), and IV (bottom right).


You must do this to add or subtract fractions.

What is find a common denominator first then add or subtract the numerators?  But . . . never add or the subtract the denominators.


Ratios are written a specific way:  a/b   a:b   a to b

What is "order matters" with ratios?


This would be the covering for the entire outside of a box (all sides and top and bottom).  You would find this to paint or wrap a box.

(paint or wrapping paper)

What is surface area?


This is represented by the symbol π   and   π = 3.14  AND    π = C/d    

What is Pi?


This example represents these:   ( . . . -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 . . . ) 

NOTE:  To add these:

-3 + -11 = - 14  Same signs- add and keep the sign 

-5 + 15 =  10  Different signs- subtract and keep the sign of the one with the most!

To subtract these:

** Rewrite subtraction as addition.  

              - 8 - 9 = -8 + -9 = -17

Double negatives in the middle turn in to addition.                   -2 - (- 10) = - 2 + 10 = 8

To multiply and divide these:

one negative in the problem makes the answer negative

two negatives in the problem makes the answer positive

What are integers?


You must do this to multiply fractions or multiply fractions with whole numbers or multiply mixed numbers or mixed numbers with whole numbers.

What is change any whole numbers to fractions or mixed numbers to improper fractions then multiply the numerators (multiplying straight across the top) and multiplying the denominators (multiplying straight across the bottom)?  

NOTE:  Always convert any improper fractions answers to mixed numbers and simplify your fraction answer.


There are 10 red and 4 blue marbles in a bag.  Know the ratio in the correct order using all three ways including simplest form too.

What is 10 to 4, 10/4, 10:4, 5 to 2, 5/2, and 5:2?


You would find this to cover everything inside of a circle.

What is area?

   A=π•r•r       or        A=πr2


This is the ratio for Pi.

What is the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter or C/d?


These are examples of these:

-12/4     15      0    -5.000000    -6     23     4 6/3

These are not examples of these:

-5/2    1.0000001     3.3       4 1/4         2.52

What is an integer?


You must do this to divide fractions or divide fractions with whole numbers or divide mixed numbers or mixed numbers with whole numbers.

What is change any whole numbers to fractions or mixed numbers to improper fractions then REMEMBER KCF . . .

KEEP the first fraction the same, Change the sign to Multiply, Flip the second fraction….  then just multiply straight across?  Multiply straight across means to multiply the numerators (multiplying straight across the top) and multiply the denominators (multiplying straight across the bottom)?  

NOTE:  Always convert any improper fractions answers to mixed numbers and simplify your fraction answer.