what is 5x2
what is 10
what is 50-36?
what is 14?
what is 1/6 of 36
what is 6
write 0.25 as a fraction
what is 1/4
Who was Walt Disney's first cartoon character?
Who is Mickey Mouse?
what is 9x3 ?
what is 27?
what is 10x8
what is 80
Fill in the missing fraction:
1/8, 2/8, 3/8, ______, 5/8
what is 4/8?
Simplify 4/8
what is 1/2?
In the movie "Alaadin" Princess Jasmine has what animal for a pet?
What is a Tiger?
what is the value of three quarters and a nickle?
what is 80 cents?
How many nickels are in $1.20
what is 25 nickels?
what is 0.3 as a fraction?
what is 1/3 (one-third)?
There are 8 circles. Two of them are blue, four of them are red, and the rest are orange. What fraction of the circles are orange?
What is 2/8 (two-eighths) or 1/4 (one-fourth)?
What are the names of Cinderella's step sisters?
Who are Anastasia and Drizella
how much is $0.15 + $0.25 + $0.10ds
what is $0.50
what is 16 divided by 4?
What is 4?
A toy factory starts with 4,000 toys. They place the toys into boxes of 100. How many boxes can the factory make?
what is 100 boxes?
A bank stores $180,000 in stacks of $1,000 in a safe. How many stacks of $1,000 are in the safe?
180 stacks
Explain how Heracules and Ariel related?
Heracules dad Zeus is Uncle to Ariel's dad Triton making Heracules and Ariel cousins
A monkey eats 6 bananas a day, how many bananas will it eat in 2 weeks.
what is 84 bananas?
A teddy bear cost $12.50. Jack has $26.00, he wants two teddy bears. How much does two bears cost?
What is $25.00?
What is the perimeter of a squest who's sides are 2cm
what is 8cm?
What is the perimeter of a rectangle who's length is 6 and who's height is 4?
what is 20cm?
In the movie "Peter Pan" what is the name of Wendy's dog?