Number & Operations
Data Analysis & Probability
What is the simplified answer for 13 11/12 - 8 1/4
What is 5 2/3
What is the equivalent of 2(3x-5) + 4(x+1)?
What is 10x-6
What is the circumference of Kyle's circular bathroom window with a radius = 6?
What is 37.68 in.
What is 1 meter equivalent in millimeters?
What is 1000mm
For his garden, Clay has a mixture of 12 white corn, 24 yellow corn seeds, and 16 bicolor corn seeds. If he reaches for a seen without looking, what is the probability that Clay will plant a bicolor corn seed first? Express answer as a percent.
What is 31%
What is 4.6 x 0.7
What is 3.22
What is the value of 4x = 3(x-1) when x = 7?
What is 46
What is not used to find the circumference of a circle? area diameter chord radius
What is chord
Sonya drew circle which had a radius of 3 inches for a school project. She also needed to make large circle which had a radius of 9 inches. When Sonya drew the bigger circle, how many times larger?
What is 9 times larger that the first.
A company is offering 1 grand prize, 3 second prize, and 25 third place prizes based on a random drawing of contest entries. If your entry is on of the 500 total entries, what is the probability you will win a third place prize?
What is 5%.
What is 4.8
What is 0.144 divided by 0.03
What is 2 times the sum of y and 5 written as an algebraic expression?
What is 2(y+5)
What is the area ratio of two right triangles that are similar and their ratio of corresponding sides is 1:x?
What is 1:x squared
What is the area in square inches for a small rug that has an area of 6 square feet?
What is 864 square inches.
Vince is pulling two socks out of a washing machine in the dark. The washing machine contains three tan, one white, and two black socks. If Vince reaches in and pulls out the socks one at a time, what is the probability that he will pull out two tan socks on his first two tries?
What is 1/5
What is the scientific notation for 36 million?
What is 3.6 x 10 to the 7th power
What is the expression and amount of tip the Smiths left for a 18% tip on the meal that cost $75.00 including taxes?
What is 18m divided by 100= $13.50
What is the approximate radius of a certain circle that has a circumference of 101 centimeters?
What is approximate 16 cm
What is the fraction of the circle of central angle of 120 degrees?
What is 1/3
Carrie flips a coin twice and gets heads both times. What is the probability that Carrie will get tails the third time she flips the coin?
What is 1/2.
What is the simplified expression (12-4+6x2-8) to the 2nd power?
What is 144
What is the value of 3t divided by 3 + t, when t =13?
What is 26
What is the percent of change of the original cost of a shirt is $25. On sale the shirt cost $22?
What is 12% decrease
Ken draws a circle with a radius of 5 cm. He then draws circle with a radius of 10 cm. How many times larger is the area of the second circle?
What is 4x larger.
There are 5 blue marbles and only 1 white marble in box. What are the odds you could reach in without looking and pick the white marble on your first try?
What is 1 in 5 odds.