3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
3rd/4th Grade Chance
4th/5th Grade Chance
Molly Monkey practices the same gymnastics routine 4 times. She does 40 super flips while practicing. How can we find out how many super flips are in Molly’s routine?
What is 40 divided by 4.
Ogechi is playing a game of Ayo with her brother Emeka. Ogechi had 32 tokens. She has 4 times as many tokens as Emeka. Which equation will help us find how many tokens Emeka has.
What is 4 x ? = 32
Evaluate the expression 4 x (3 + 7) + 6.
What is 46
Which rule describes the pattern shown? 3, 15, 27, 39
What is + 12
Evaluate the expression 5 x (8 + 6 - 2).
What is 60
What is the value of b? 72 = 8 x b
What is b = 9
Which of these numbers is prime: 19, 56, 63, 87, 95?
What is 19
Write an expression with parentheses (don’t simplify) to represent the following quantity: seven times the difference between 300 and 28
What is 7 (300 - 28)
Davi has 75 flower seeds. He wants to plant the seeds in pots so that every seed is planted, and that every pot has the same number of seeds. If there is ___ pot, there will be 75 seeds in the pot. If there are 3 pots, there will be ___ seeds in each pot. If there are ___ pots, there will be 15 seeds in each pot.
What is 1, 25, 5
Write an expression with parentheses (don’t simplify) to represent the following quantity: five times the sum of 173 and 32
What is 5 x (173 + 32)
Write 2 x 5 x 4 in two different ways using the Associative Property of Multiplication and complete the equations.
What is 2 x (5 x 4) and (2 x 5) x 4
Vincent van Gogh is making one-color versions of all his paintings. He uses the colors in the following order and then starts over from the beginning: red, blue, pink, green, and purple. What color is paining 31?
What is red
Terry plays baseball for 5 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the afternoon. He does this for a total of 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, he has a tournament and plays baseball for 15 hours. Write a numerical expression with parentheses for the total number of hours Terry played baseball. Do not simplify your expression.
What is 30 (5 + 4) + 15
There are 32 desks in Mr. Klaus’s classroom. The desks are lined up in 4 rows. Each row has the same number of desks. Which multiplication equation would help us find out how many desks are in each row?
What is 4 x ? = 32
Two libraries donated books to a local school. One library donated 786 books and the other library donated 1245 books. The school divided the books evenly between 11 classrooms. Which is the best estimate for the number of books that each classroom received?
What is about 200
Seven days ago, I ate 60 jelly beans in a bowl. Now there are 4 jelly beans left. If I ate the same number of jelly beans each day, how many jelly beans did I eat each day?
What is 8 jelly beans
An ice cream shop is testing some new flavors of ice cream. They invent 25 new flavors for customers to try, and discard the 13 least popular flavors. The shop makes 80 gallons of each of the remaining flavors. How many gallons of ice cream did the shop make?
What is 960 gallons
Write an expression with parentheses (don’t simplify) to represent the following quantity: ten times the quotient of 104 and 8
What is 10 (104 / 8)
Katie and Mateo are getting ready to play a card game. To play the game they start with 2 decks of cards. Each deck has 52 cards. They remove all 24 face cards, and then play the game with the remaining cards. Which is the best estimate for the number of cards they are using for their game?
What is about 75
Where could we put parentheses in the following expression to make it equivalent to 16? 48 / 12 / 4
What is 48 / (12/4)
My book is 131 pages. I have been reading 7 pages per day for 8 days. How many pages are left to read?
What is 75 pages
Regina got up early this morning to hike into the mountains and watch the sun rise. From the starting point, Regina climbed 47 meters in elevation. The she went steeply downhill, losing 36 meters in elevation. Finally, Regina climbed 10 more meters in elevation to the ledge where she watched the sun rise. Write an equation that we can use to find out how many meters in elevation higher (m) Regina was at the ledge than she was at the starting point.
What is 47 - 36 + 10 = m
Every week for 20 weeks, Kathy earned $15 for mowing lawns and $35 for delivering newspapers. At the end of 20 weeks, she stopped mowing lawns and delivering newspapers and spent $300. She didn’t earn or spend any money besides what is described here. Write a numerical expression with parentheses showing how much money Kathy has left. Do not simplify your expression.
What is 20 (15 + 35) - 300
Irene did 8 push-ups every day until she reached 48 push-ups. Which division equation would help us find out how many days Irene did push-ups?
What is 48 / 8 = ?
Phineas and Ferb are trying to build the world’s tallest water slide. They build the slide in sections that are each 6 meters tall. They want their slide to be 5 meters taller than the next tallest slide, which is 49 meters tall. Write an equation that we can use to find the number of sections (n) Phineas and Ferb should use to meet their goal.
What is (49 + 5) / 6 = n