13.4 + 24.6
In a similar way to how squirrels stash away their nuts during the winter, humans can create a(n) _________ to make sure they have backup money to use on a rainy day.
Emergency Savings Account
What is the only way to 100% guarantee that you will not get involved in a driving accident?
Avoid - don't drive
Coverage for you and your house, car, phone etc. to make sure that it is protected in case of an accident.
Mr. Babb is how old?
30 years
34.9 - 15
Cars, houses, people, boats, phones, planes, motorcycles, travelers, banks, and even your pets can all be financially covered by what?
What can you do to make sure you get into less (car) accidents?
Reduce - drive safer, smarter
The rules and list of things that your specific type of insurance will cover.
Mr. Babb's favorite video game, card game, and thing in the world is....
480 / 20
The most common example of this strategy would be buying a phone case to ensure that your expensive cell phone does not break easily.
Purchasing protective gear
To make sure you are finically protected, what can you do to split the blame or the bill after an accident?
Share - insurance, take turns driving
The monthly fee that your insurance charges you.
The best subject in the world (and this is a fact not an opinion) is.....
Math, of course!
700 x 11
Of the three main types of protective strategies, how many are you allowed to do at the same time?
1, 2, or all 3
Mr. Babb is riding in someone else's uber to get to work. There is a small accident, and the car takes some damage. Will Mr. Babb's auto insurance cover the cost or repairing the car?
No, the car does not belong to Mr. Babb, and you cannot take out auto insurance on someone else's car.
The one time fee that insurance charges you for using their services.
What 'high' stakes athletic activity did Mr. Babb used to do three times a week?
Rock Climbing
4 x 15 + 70
Even if you are the safest, smartest, and most careful person in the world, why is it still a good idea to have a protective strategy?
Anything can happen to anyone at anytime. Life throws curveballs at us all the time so we need to be prepared.
Mario drops his iPhone down a green pipe and it shatters. "Mama Mia!", he cries. Luigi tells him he can just go down to the Apple store, buy insurance, and then put in a claim to have it fixed. Is this possible?
No, you cannot take out an insurance policy and claim an accident that has happened in the past.
When you lie or try to cheat the insurance company by faking an accident, or making a false claim.
True or false, Mr. Babb has been secretly married this whole time....
False, you goofballs XD