Grab Bag
Elapsed Time Problems
Word problems

5 m = _______ cm

500 centimeters

1 meter = _____ mm
1000 mm

Charlotte and Kingsley go to the park after school.

They play at the park from 4:30 to 6:10.  

How long do they play at the park?

1 hour 40 minutes

A minion weighs 3 pounds. He is given a super minion serum and he now weighs 38 pounds. How much weight did the super minion gain?
35 pounds
What is the perimeter of a square that has a length of 8 inches?
32 inches

Find the area of rectangle with a length of 24 miles and a width of 8 miles. 

24 x 8 = 192 square miles


17 yd = ____ ft

51 feet 


Hailey and Aleyna go the library to check out books.

They are in the library from 8:15 to 11:20. 

How long are they in the library looking for books?  

3 hours and 5 minutes

A container weighs 8oz. Jordan has 10 of them shipped to him. How many ounces does his shipment weigh?
80 ounces
What is the area of a 8 x 15cm rectangle?

See slide 2 to solve. 

Perimeter: 32 feet

Area: 38 square feet 


4 L = ___ kL

4000 kL


Isaiah and Brendan play football at the park on Saturday with some friends.  

They play football from 12:05 to 3:49.  

How long do they play football?  

3 hours and 44 minutes

Colm woke up at 5:25 and played on his tablet for 35 minutes, and then took 15 minutes to eat breakfast. What time was he done breakfast?
6:15 am
A rectangular cookie sheet measure 30 inches on the long side. It measure 14 inches on the short side. What is the perimeter of the cookie sheet?
88 inches

A scale model of a lizard is 4 cm long. The actual lizard is 9 times as long as the model. 

How long is the actual lizard in millimeters? 

360 millimeters


96 months = _____ years

8 years


Mrs. Henley reads for 1 hour and 20 minutes every night before bed. 

If she wants to go to bed by 10:05 PM, what time should she start reading? 

8:45 PM

Bella cut a piece of string that was 3 feet long. Annalisa cut a piece of string that was 9 feet long. How long, in inches, do they have altogether?
144 inches
Alice has a rectangular scarf that has the area of 320 square inches. The short side of the scarf is 8 inches. What is the length of the long side?
40 inches

See slide 3 to solve this problem. 

How many friends did Julio ask about the time spent doing homework? 

Julio asked 18 friends.


23 feet = ________ in 

276 inches


Mrs. Henley leaves on a camping trip.

She leaves her house at 8:15 AM and drives for 2 hours and 5 minutes before stopping to get a snack.

Then, she drives another 3 hours and 20 minutes before arriving in Grand Marais.

What time does she arrive in Grand Marais? 

1:40 PM

Jacob adopted a kitty. It weighed 4 kg when it was brought home. It tripled in size in a year. In grams, how much does the kitty weigh now?
12,000 grams
Aidan has a picture with a perimeter of 42 inches. The long side of the picture is 15 inches. What is the length of the short side of the picture?
6 inches