Array of Sunshine
Multiply with Zero
Place Value is the Value
Expand on That!
Model Property

Nina is organizing her sticker collection. She arranges her stickers in an array of 30 rows with 45 stickers in each row. How many stickers does she have in total? Write the total in base-ten numerals, word form, and expanded form.

30 × 45 = 1,350

  • Base-ten numerals: 1,350
  • Word form: One thousand three hundred fifty
  • Expanded form: 1,000 + 300 + 50

Sara has 4,500 marbles in a jar. If she adds 10 times as many marbles to the jar, how many marbles does she have now?

4,500 × 10 = 45,000
Sara now has 45,000 marbles in the jar.


What is the value of the digit 6 in the number 6,543,210?

The value of the digit 6 is 6,000,000 (6 million).


A town’s population is 3,045,620. Write this number in expanded form.

3,045,620 = 3,000,000 + 40,000 + 5,000 + 600 + 20


A school is ordering new desks. Each desk costs $47, and the school needs to buy 23 desks. Use the distributive property and an area model to find the total cost.


Break it down into parts:
(40×20)+(40×3)+(7×20)+(7×3)=800+120+140+21=1,081(40 \times 20) + (40 \times 3) + (7 \times 20) + (7 \times 3) = 800 + 120 + 140 + 21 = 1,081(40×20)+(40×3)+(7×20)+(7×3)=800+120+140+21=1,081

The total cost is $1,081.


A farmer plants 24 trees in each row of his orchard, and he has 12 rows of trees. How many trees are in the orchard? Write the total in base-ten numerals, word form, and expanded form.

24 × 12 = 288

  • Base-ten numerals: 288
  • Word form: Two hundred eighty-eight
  • Expanded form: 200 + 80 + 8

A farmer has 2,000 apples, and another farmer has 10 times as many apples. How many apples does the second farmer have?

2,000 × 10 = 20,000
The second farmer has 20,000 apples.


In the number 3,084,267, what is the value of the digit 8?

The value of the digit 8 is 80,000 (eighty thousand).


Emma’s company made $7,582,049 in sales this year. Write this amount in expanded form.

7,582,049 = 7,000,000 + 500,000 + 80,000 + 2,000 + 40 + 9


A farmer is planting two fields of corn. One field is 56 meters wide and 34 meters long. Use the distributive property and an area model to calculate the total area of the field.


Break it down into parts:
(50×30)+(50×4)+(6×30)+(6×4)=1,500+200+180+24=1,904(50 \times 30) + (50 \times 4) + (6 \times 30) + (6 \times 4) = 1,500 + 200 + 180 + 24 = 1,904(50×30)+(50×4)+(6×30)+(6×4)=1,500+200+180+24=1,904

The total area of the field is 1,904 square meters.


Samantha bakes cookies and arranges them in a tray of 16 rows with 22 cookies in each row. How many cookies did she bake? Write the total in base-ten numerals, word form, and expanded form.

16 × 22 = 352

  • Base-ten numerals: 352
  • Word form: Three hundred fifty-two
  • Expanded form: 300 + 50 + 2

Emma reads a book that has 3,200 words. Her friend reads a book with 10 times as many words. How many words are in her friend’s book?

3,200 × 10 = 32,000
Her friend’s book has 32,000 words.


What is the value of the digit 2 in the number 4,726,319?

The value of the digit 2 is 200,000 (two hundred thousand).


The distance between two cities is 2,306,150 meters. Write the distance in expanded form.

2,306,150 = 2,000,000 + 300,000 + 6,000 + 100 + 50


A library needs to order 68 boxes of books, and each box contains 42 books. Use the distributive property and an area model to find how many books are being ordered in total.


Break it down into parts:
(60×40)+(60×2)+(8×40)+(8×2)=2,400+120+320+16=2,856(60 \times 40) + (60 \times 2) + (8 \times 40) + (8 \times 2) = 2,400 + 120 + 320 + 16 = 2,856(60×40)+(60×2)+(8×40)+(8×2)=2,400+120+320+16=2,856

The total number of books is 2,856.


A classroom has 18 desks in each row, and there are 20 rows of desks. How many desks are there in total? Write the total in base-ten numerals, word form, and expanded form.

18 × 20 = 360

  • Base-ten numerals: 360
  • Word form: Three hundred sixty
  • Expanded form: 300 + 60

David has $5,000 in his bank account. His brother has 1,000 times less than that amount. How much money does his brother have?

$5,000 ÷ 1,000 = $5
David’s brother has $5.


In the number 9,342,608, what is the value of the digit 9?

The value of the digit 9 is 9,000,000 (9 million).


A stadium can hold 5,430,280 people. Write this number in expanded form.

5,430,280 = 5,000,000 + 400,000 + 30,000 + 200 + 80


A factory produces 79 bicycles each day, and the factory works for 45 days straight. Use the distributive property and an area model to find how many bicycles the factory produces in total.


Break it down into parts:
(70×40)+(70×5)+(9×40)+(9×5)=2,800+350+360+45=3,555(70 \times 40) + (70 \times 5) + (9 \times 40) + (9 \times 5) = 2,800 + 350 + 360 + 45 = 3,555(70×40)+(70×5)+(9×40)+(9×5)=2,800+350+360+45=3,555

The factory produces 3,555 bicycles in total.


At a school event, there are 42 chairs in each row, and there are 15 rows. How many chairs are set up for the event? Write the total in base-ten numerals, word form, and expanded form.

42 × 15 = 630

  • Base-ten numerals: 630
  • Word form: Six hundred thirty
  • Expanded form: 600 + 30

A construction company needs 700 bricks for a project. Another project requires 10 times as many bricks. How many bricks are needed for the second project?

700 × 10 = 7,000
The second project needs 7,000 bricks.


What is the value of the digit 5 in the number 5,601,842?

The value of the digit 5 is 5,000,000 (5 million).


A museum has 1,908,364 visitors each year. Write the number of visitors in expanded form.

1,908,364 = 1,000,000 + 900,000 + 8,000 + 300 + 60 + 4


A concert hall has 52 rows of seats, with 38 seats in each row. Use the distributive property and an area model to find the total number of seats.


Break it down into parts:
(50×30)+(50×8)+(2×30)+(2×8)=1,500+400+60+16=1,976(50 \times 30) + (50 \times 8) + (2 \times 30) + (2 \times 8) = 1,500 + 400 + 60 + 16 = 1,976(50×30)+(50×8)+(2×30)+(2×8)=1,500+400+60+16=1,976

The total number of seats is 1,976