The number you add or subtract to any number to keep that number
What is zero
This means to add
What is plus?
These are the numbers that are being added in an addition problem
What is an addend
Ten ones is called this
What is a ten
Opposite of longer
What is shorter
The number you add or subtract to any number to get one more or one less
What is 1
This means to subtract
What is minus
This is the answer in an addition problem
What is a sum
Individual items that do not amount to ten
What are ones
When everyone is using the same unit of measurement so that measurements can be compared
What is standard measurement
Two of the same addend in an addition problem is called this
What are doubles
What's on one side of this sign is the same as what is on the other side.
What is equals
When the numbers in an addition problem can be added in any order it is called this
A turnaround fact
Ten tens is also known as this
What is a hundred
The type of clock that shows only numbers and two dots separating the hour and the minutes
What is a digital clock
Addition and subtraction sentences that all contain the same numbers but in different positions
What are related facts
This shows that the amount on one side is more or less than what is on the other side
What is greater than, less than
To use a specific item or tool to determine how long or short something is
What is measure
A set of ten squares arranged in two rows that allows you to count sets of ten and more
What is a ten frame
The short hand on an analog or "face" clock is known as this
What is the hour hand
A model used to represent addition or subtraction where the biggest number is put into the largest part of the model
What is the bar model
This is a mark that looks like a straight line that represents one item of a set
What is a tally mark
A chart that organizes a lot of information so it can be seen and analyzed all in one place
What is a graph
Before 90, after 70 when counting by tens
What is 80
Another way of saying "30 minutes after" 6 is...
6:30 or half past 6