Is a rectangle a square
When you have 10,278.45398, what number do you get if you shift the digits 3 places to the right.
What is 10.27845398
The answer to 23
What is 8
The meaning of congruent
What means something that is identical in form or equal
What is an angle called that is lower than 90o
What is an acute angle
The shape that has 4 equal sides
What is a square
The answer of 1 5/4 * 3 4/6
What is 6 3/5
The answer to 54
What is 625
The meaning of intersecting lines
What is when 2 or more lines cross each other
How many cups are in a quart?
What is 4 cups
The attributes of a trapezoid
Double jeopardy!!
What is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides
What is 7.77722222222222
The answer to 75*35
What is 4,084,101
The meaning of perpendicular lines
What is a line that intersects and gives right angles
The volume of 30in*103*3in
What is 9,270in3
A shape that has 9 sides
What is a nonagon
What is 64.796
The answer to 415
Double Jeopardy:
What is 115,856,201
The meaning of a segment
What is a line that terminates
How many quadrants are in a coordinates graph (Oscar can't answer)
What is 4 quadrants
The attributes of a kite
What is a quadrilateral which has 2 pairs of adjacent sides that are equal and one pair of opposite angles are equal
What is 1,065.2468
The answer to 545
What is 459,165,024
The meaning of an irrational number
What is a number that never terminates and never repeats
The circumference of a circle if the radius is 8 (Pi=3.14)
What is 50.24