The sum
What is the answer to an addition problem?
The difference
What is the answer to a subtraction problem?
Any number multiplied by 0 will be 0
What is the zero property of multiplication
8 ÷ 1 = ?
What is 8?
The additive
What is the numbers being added?
4-0=4 represents what property?
What is the Identity property?
The product
What is the answer to a multipliction problem
The quotient
What is the answer to a division problem?
8+0= 8 represents what property?
What is the identity property of addition ?
The minuend
What is the number being subtracted?
The factor
What is being multiplied?
The dividend
What is the number being divided?
7+3=3+7=10 represents what property?
What is the commutative property of addition?
The subtrahend
What is the number we are subtracting?
10 x 12 = (5 x 10) + (7 x 10) represents what property
What is the Distributive Property of multiplication
1238 is divisible by
What is 2 and 4
(9+1)+3 = (1+3)+9
What is the associative property of addition?
10234 - 234 + 234 = 10234 represents what property?
What is inverse operations?
(7 x 3) x 4 = (4 x 7) x 3 represents what property
What is the Associative Property of multiplication
What is the dividend being divided by?