Name a number divisible by 6 and 5.
30, 60, 90, etc
Who was a known mathematician who invented the lightbulb?
Thomas Edison
Is 42 divisible by 3?
If a math textbook has 1533 pages in the first part, and has 1488 pages in the answer section, how many pages does it have?
3021 total pages.
3 + 4 / 2 + ?
Name a number that when divided by two, equals 16.
This mathematician is huge in the field of science for discovering how stuff moves.
Sir Isaac Newton
Out of the three numbers [2020, 370, 4533] which number is divisible by 2 and 4?
Chris is buying some generators and he needs 11. Individually they cost $12,000. How much will it cost him?
56 / (7+1) =?
4 and 8 are a factor pair of... what number?
This mathematician is known as the best calculus teacher here in Beechwood High School
Mr. Fryer!
Is 3050 divisible by 15?
There are 294 students waiting for lunch and there are three lines. Could each line have an equal number of students?
Yes! Three rows of 98 students.
88 / (13 -1 -1) =?
What is 15 multiplied by 11?
This movie is based on real NASA mathematicians who served the greatest mission ever: the moon landing. What is this movie?
Hidden Figures
Out of these three numbers [3106, 124, 72144] Which one is divisible by 6?
Could 142 students be broken up into volleyball teams with no one left out considering each team needs 6 players?
Place the brackets to make the following statement true:
12 * 4 + 2 -12 =60
12 *(4+2) -12 =60
What is a number that evenly divides into 133 that is NOT one?
7, 19, and 133.
This famous mathematician is known for creating an electric vehicle that is minimalist and cuts down waste. He is alive today!
Elon Musk.
Which number is divisible by 5 and 6 out of [18000, 250, 375]?
Olivia must sell candles for her school fundraiser. If 80% of the profits are going to the school, how much does Olivia make if she sells $1000 in candles?
Place the brackets to make the following statement true:
17 - 8 * 2 + 6 * 11 - 5 =37
17 - 8 * 2 + 6 * (11-5) =37