Elapsed time
Area and perimeter

Solve: 7x50

What is 350?


Find out the difference. 7:36 to 8:22

46 minutes


Solve what is larger. 3/4 or 1/2

What is 3/4?



Answer:What is 11.27?


The Area of a square is 64 square ft. What is the perimeter.

What is 32ft?


Solve: 8x933

What is 7464?


Amber's recorder class is at 2:20 and it ends at 3:15. Then, it takes 15 minutes to get home. How much time does it take until she gets home?

What is 1 hour and 10 minutes?


Solve what is larger. Use >,<, = to compare. 7/9 or 3/4.

what is 7/9?



What is 8.95?


The perimeter of the rectangle is 46ft. One side was 19. What is the Area of this square.

What is 76 square ft 


Hanna had seven water bottles. Each water bottle had 35ml of water. How much water did all of the water bottles contain?

What is 245ml?


Sally wants to got California it takes 1 hour and 52 minutes to get to California from Oregon. When would she arrive. If she started at 12:34 am?

What is 2:26 AM?


Sam had 9/10 or a cake. He gave 4/10 to his sister and 2/10 to his brother. how much does he have is he gains another 4/10 of cake. Write in mixed form if possible.

what is 1 1/10?


Harry Styles has $70.9 for his allowance. He spends 7x10+0.09x10 dollars on a song. How much does he have left?

What is $0?


The Perimeter of Daniels pool is 272 ft. The length is 76 ft and the width is 64 ft. What is the Area of Daniels pool.

What is 4,608?


Mario had 743 cars. Each car had four seats. How many seats do all of the cars have?

What is 2972 seats?


Alex is going to my birthday party at 7:00 PM at UrbanAir. Alex is coming back in 3 hours. After that, Alex is going to the movies for 4 hours, 32 minutes. When will I come back?

What is 2:32 AM?


If tommy buys a pizza buys a pizza that is half pepperoni and half jalapeno. He saves the jalapeno part for later. then he eats 2/8 of the pepperoni part. how much pizza does he have left. Write using sixteenths

What is 12/16


Alexander has $100.80. He spent $7.90 on 5 cars. How much was each car?

What is $1.58?


Gregory had 13 chickens and he bought them each a house. The length was 13ft and the width was 36ft. He put a fence around all the houses. How much land did the fence cover.

What is 6,084?


Karl rented 3 houses for party. He bought 3 bags of chips for every 100 people and each chip bag held 306 chips. In the first house, there were 321 people. In the second house, there was 239 people. Find the total number of chips Karl bought for both houses.

What is 1,633 chips?


Lucy had to go to Paris for a business trip. She woke up at 5:30 AM. She came into the living room at 6:00. She took a train to the Airport and she got there at 6:30. She got on the plane at 7:00 AM. The Plane took 13 hours to get to Paris. She landed at 8:00 PM and it took an hour to get to the hotel.She slept for the night at a hotel. How much time will it take for her to go home starting from the hotel.   

What is 14 hours and 30 minutes? 


Anna has 8/10 of a chocolate bar. then she gives 2/10 to her sister and 4/10 to her brother. then she bought half of a full chocolate bar. then she ate 2/10 of the chocolate she had left. Find the amount of chocolate she has left.

what is 5/10


Abigail is hosting a pool party. The pool holds 65.68 gallons of water. She invited 262 people. The owner said for each gallon she uses she has to pay $30.89. Half the people that came jumped into the pool. Every time somebody jumps in the pool 2 quarts of water comes out. How much money does he have to pay in total for the gallons of water.

What is $927.07?


Oilver rented a house for a party. He went to the store to buy Chips and dip. He got the dip but he could not find the chips. He knows that the Chip section is the same shape as the Ice Cream section. The Ice Cream section was in a square shape. Oliver Knew that one side of the Chip section was the same as the Ice cream section. He also knew that the total perimeter was 214ft. What is the Area of the Chip Section.

What is 412?