Pythagoras' Theorem shows the mathematical relationship between the sides of a right-angled triangle. What is this theorem?
a2 + b2 = c2
In what country is this famous museum located?
France (the Louvre)
This type of number can only give a whole number answer when it is divided by one or by itself.
Prime Numbers
What shape is this building?
A pentagon
This profound mathematician and physicist invented calculus, wrote the 3 laws of motion, and discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head.
Sir Isaac Newton
Which popular Reality TV show has an abbreviation that sounds similar to the word "Maths"?
MAFS (Married at First Sight)
The determinant of a matrix X is found by going
det = (top left)x(bottom right) - (bottom left)x(top right)
What number is the determinant of this matrix?
I walk into a classroom, realize I'm in the wrong room, turn around, and walk back out again. How many degrees did I turn?
9 - 6 / 3
An ancient philosopher and mathematician who made contributions to algebra and geometry, and is regarded as one of the first women to teach mathematics in the ancient world.
What is the shape of the path a basketball takes as it goes from a person's hands into the net?
A parabola
An Euler path is a path that travels along every line exactly once. Does this shape have an Euler path?
e.g. b - e - a - c - d - b - a
Find the number that completes the formula discovered by Leonhard Euler:
All regular 3D polyhedrons (cubes, prisms, pyramids, etc. ) have
Vertices + Faces - Edges = ???
3f2 x 2f x 6f7
This Ancient Greek mathematician shouted "Eureka!" once he discovered that when an object is held underwater, the volume of that object is equal to the change in water level.
This naturally-occurring crystal is a prominent ingredient in Pepto Bismol, an American medicine for indigestion.
Translate the maths from this joke into English.
I ate some pie
(i 8 sum pi)
What is the name of this 4D object?
A Klein Bottle
Find all the values of x that make:
(x - 4)(x+2)(7-x) = 0
4, -2, 7