The formula for perimter
What is P=2L+2W
The formula for the area of a square.
What is A=s2
The sum of 15 and 20.
What is 35?
The product of 5 and 8.
What is 40.
A shape with three sides.
What is a triangle?
The perimeter of a square that's side has a length of 8 meters.
What is 32 meters
The area of a rectangle with a length of 150m and a width of 100m.
What is 15,000 m2
The sum of 500 and 360.
What is 860?
The product of 10 and 77.
What is 770?
A shape with one side.
What is a circle?
The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 5cm.
What is 15.7cm
The area of a circle with a radius of 2cm.
What is 12.56cm2
The sum of $142.99 and $34.53.
What is $177.52?
The product of 5 groups of 67
What is 335
A shape with six sides.
What is a hexagon?
The perimeter of a rectangle is 86cm. The length of one side is 25cm. The width is this.
What is 18cm
The surface area of a cube with a side length of 3cm.
What is 54 cm2
The sum of 356,789 and 822,968.
What is 1,179,757
The product of this number squared is 144.
What is 12
A three dimensional shape that has equal length, width, and height.
What is a cube?
The perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 5x+7y, and a width of 2x+3y.
What is 14x+20y
The area of a triangle with a base of 3y+2, and a height of 2y.
What is 3y2+2y
The sum of x + 2y and 17x + 3y
What is 18x + 5y?
The product of 5x+7 and 6.
What is 30x+42
An angle larger than 90o.
What is obtuse?