What is a common multiple of two or more demominators
Common Denominators
What is a number that is a multiple of two or more numbers?
Common Multiple
What are two or more fractions that name the same amount?
Equivalent Fractions
What is a number represented by a whole number and fractions?
Mixed Number
What is a fraction in which 1 is the only number that can divide evenly into the numerator and the denominator?
Simplest Form
What is a familiar number used as a point of reference
What names part of a whole group?
A Fraction
When the numerator is greater than the denominator the fraction is called?
An Improper Fraction
A fraction is another way to show what mathematical operation?
A fraction with a numerator of 1 is called?
A Unit Fraction
What are 2 numbers that have a product of one?
The Reciprocal
The answer to a multiplication problem is called?
The Product
The answer to a division problem is called?
The Quotient
What question do you ask when you are dividing?
How many times does?
How do you find the reciprocal of a fraction?
You switch or flip the numerator and the denominator of a fraction.
How do you turn a whole number into a fraction?
You put the number over 1
A number that is a factor of 2 or more numbers is a?
Common Factor
A number that has exactly 2 factors, 1 and itself is called?
A Prime Number
A number that has more than 2 factors is called?
A Composite Number
A number is ___________________ by another number if the quotient is a counting number and the remainder is 0.
An ordered set of numbers or objects is called?
A Pattern
Each number in a pattern is called?
A Term
What are the factors of 36?
What does LCD represent?
Least Common Denominator
What is the LCM of 3 and 4?