Round 145g to the nearest 10
What is 150g
What is the highest common factor of 12 and 30?
What is 6?
The product of 436 x 6
What is 2,616?
4/7 of 490 is
What is 280?
Convert 145g to kg
What is 0.145kg ?
Round 5,457 to the nearest 100.
What is 5,500?
List the common factors of 15 and 30.
Are they 1, 3, 5 and 15?
The product of 34,000 x 5
What is 170, 000?
5/8 of 160 is
What is 100?
Convert 175kg to gram
What is 175,000g ?
Round 17,435 to the nearest 1000.
What is 17, 000?
The highest common factor of 36 and 48.
What is 12?
The product of 4,525 X 13
What is 58, 825 ?
5/6 of 300 is
What is 250?
Convert 2.4kg to g
What is 2400g?
Round 35, 079 to the nearest 10,000.
What is 40, 000?
A number that has only two factors.
What is a prime number?
The product of 8790 and 12
What is 105,480?
3/12 of 144 is
What is 36?
5400g converted to kg
What is 5.4kg ?
Round 235, 415 to the nearest 100,000.
What is 200, 000?
The common factors of 18 and 27.
They are 1,3 and 9.
The product of 54,900 and 15
What is 823,500?
8/9 of 5400 is
What is 4,800?
17kg converted to grams
What is 17,000grams ?