Angles and Lines
Trick Math
This theorem states the one object is equal to itself.
What is the reflexive property?
This shape is a quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite parallel lines.
What is a parallelogram?
This man was an English mathematician and died in 1776. He focused on the Number Theory.
Who is Peter Barlow?
A triangle has the angle measures of 70 and 30. The third angle is...
What is 80 degrees?
There are 8 Apples on the table, you take 3. How many do you have?
What is 3 apples?
This theorem states that if a triangle has two congruent sides then the angles opposite them are congruent.
What is the isosceles triangles base angle theorem?
This shape is a quadrilateral with two distinct pairs of consecutive sides of the same length.
What is a kite?
This women was born in Italy in 1718. Became known as one of the greatest female scholars.
Who is Maria Agnesi?
If one length of a square is 6ft. The area is...
What is 36ft 2?
I have 2 coins in my hand that add up to 60c. One of the coins isn't a 50c piece. What are the coins?
What is 50c and a 10c (The coin that isn't a 50c piece is a 10c. The other coin is the 50c)?
This theorem states that if a figure is symmetric then corresponding parts under the symmetry are congruent.
What is the symmetric figures theorem?
This shape has four sides all of equal lengths.
What is a rhombus?
This man was born in London in 1791. He once said... "The whole of the developments and operations of analysis are now capable of being executed by machinery. ... As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessarily guide the future course of science."
Who is Charles Babbage?
The area of a triangle if the height is 6in and the base is 3cm.
What is 9cm 2?
A box has nine ears of corn in it. A Squirrel carries out three ears a day, and yet it takes him nine days to carry out all the corn. Explain?
What is he has 2 of his own ears, so he carries out only 1 ear of corn per day?
This theorem states that corresponding parts of corresponding figures are congruent.
What is CPCF?
This shape is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel lines.
What is a trapezoid?
Born in France, this man was appointed to the Commission set up by the Royal Society to check the claims of Newton.
Who is De Moivre?
One angle of a triangle is 84 degrees. The other is 59 degrees. The last angle is...
What is 37 degrees?
If you have 4 melons in one hand, and 7 apples in the other - What do you have?
What is big hands?
This theorem states that if two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite them are congruent.
What is isosceles triangle base angles converse theorem?
This is a quadrilateral with base angles equal in measure.
What is an isosceles trapezoid?
This man created the Pythagorean Theorem.
Who is Pythagoras of Samos?
The base of a triangle is 7in. Another leg is 8in. The hypotenuse is...
What is about 10.63?
What comes next in the following sequence ? 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11,...
What is 100? (The next number without a 'T' in it)