Skip count by 5s starting from 10.
10, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____
15, 20, 25, 30, 35
45 + 10 = _____
How do you write 562 in expanded form?
500 + 60 + 2 = 562
90 - 10 = ___
Which object is the smallest?
A. crayon - 4 inches
B. marker - 6 inches
C. ruler - 12 inches
D. paperclip - 2 inches
Skip count by 10s starting from 40.
40, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____,
50, 60, 70, 80, 90
63 + 30 = _____
How do you write 2,885 in expanded form?
2,000 + 800 + 80 + 5 = 2,885
63 - 40 = ___
Eli's jump was 35 inches long. Jolene's jump was 42 inches long. Who jumped farther?
Jolene jumped farther.
Skip count by 100s starting from 300.
300, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____,
27 + 50 = ___
Add 84 + 37 using expanded form.
*You must show your work to receive the points for this question.
80 + 30 = 110
4 + 7 = 11
110 + 11 = 121
81 - 46 = ____
A piece of string is 48 cm long. A ribbon is 29 cm long. How much longer is the string than the ribbon?
19 cm
What comes next?
225, 230, 235, ____, ____, ____
240, 245, 250
If I add 25 to 47, what do I get?
Add 56 + 38 using expanded form.
*You must show your work to receive the points for this question.
50 + 30 = 80
6 + 8 = 14
80 + 14 = 94
94 - 57 = _____
Maria measured two pencils. The first pencil is 11 inches long. The second pencil is 4 inches shorter than the first one. How long is the second pencil?
7 inches
I am counting by 5s. The number before me is 95. What number am I?
My sum is 89. If I started with 54, what number did I add?
Mr. Williams used expanded form to add his points from his recent basketball game. If he scored 48 points in his first game and 23 points in the second game, how many points did he score all together?
*You must show your work and use expanded form to receive the points for this question.
48 + 23 = ____
40 + 20 = 60
8 + 3 = 11
60 + 11 = 77
I had 82 apples and gave away 34. How many do I have left?
48 apples
A blue string is 23 inches long. A red string is 35 inches long. What is the total length of both strings together?
58 inches