Place Value
Number Forms
Comparing Numbers
Using Number Lines

A local museum has 820 exhibits.  Another local museum has 290 exhibits.  

How much greater is the digit 8 in the 820 than the digit 9 in 290? 

10 times greater


What is another way to write this in expanded form?

Pro Tip: Look at the 4 square on your guided notes!

(3 x 10,000) + (8 x 1,000) + (5 x 100) + (6 x 10) + (9 x 1)

30,000 + 8,000 + 500 + 60 + 9


Write a statement on your white board to compare the numbers:  76,231 and 76,213

Pro Tip: Use your greater than, less than, or equal symbols.

76,231 76,213


Select the number that could be used to correctly label Point A on the number line.

Choice 1:  12,130

Choice 2:  12,024

Choice 3:  11,987

Choice 4:  11,923

Choice 4:  11,923


Round 142,167 to the nearest thousand.

Answer:  142,000


There were 11,300 fans at a soccer game and 14,000 fans at a basketball game.  

How much less is the digit 3 in 11,300 than the digit 4 in 14,000?

10 times less.


Write the word form of the number on your white board:


*Don't show your work until called on!  Spelling won't count against you.

Two hundred forty-one thousand five hundrend sixty-three


Complete the statement to make it true.

30,265  <  _______

Any number greater than 30,265 would be correct here!


Select the number that could be used to correctly label Point B on the number line.

Choice 1:  12,130

Choice 2:  12,024

Choice 3:  11,987

Choice 4:  11,923

Choice 3:  11,987


Round 26,671 to the nearest ten.

Answer:  26,670


The clues describe a three digit mystery number that contains the digits: 

5, 7, 2

Pro Tip: Draw a quick place value chart on your white board to fill in each digit for the clues below.   H     T     O

The value of the 7 is 100 times less than the value of the 7 in 723.

The value of the 5 is 10 times more than the value of the 5 in 135.

The missing place value is 2.



Complete the expanded form of the number:


(4 x _____) + (8 x ____) + (2 x ___) + (9 x __) + (6 x _)

(4 x 10,000) + (8 x 1,000) + (2 x 100) + (9 x 10) + (6 x 1)


Which number completes the math statement?

145,265  <  _______

Pro Tip: Write each answer choice in standard form!

A.  (1 x 100,000) + (4 x 10,000) + (5 x 1,000) + (2 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (6 x 1) 

B.  (1 x 100,000) + (3 x 10,000) + (5 x 1,000) + (3 x 100) + (6 x 10) + (5 x 1)

C.  One hundred forty-five thousand three hundred six

D.  One hundred forty-five thousand two hundred six

C.  One hundred forty-five thousand three hundred six


What number could you use to label Point D on the number line?

Possible Answer: 12,150


Round 224,963 to the nearest hundred.

Answer:  225,000


The clues describe a four digit mystery number that contains the digits: 

1, 3, 4, 7

Pro Tip: Draw a quick place value chart to the thousands on your white board to fill in each digit for the clues below.    TH     H     T     O

The value of the 7 is 10 times the value of the 7 in 5,637.

The value of the 4 is 100 times the value of the 4 in 2,049.

The value of the 3 is 100 times the value of the 3 in 2,603.

The missing place value is 1.



How would you represent the number 31,270 using only hundrends and tens?

Pro Tip: Put 31,270 in a quick place value chart on your white board.   

10 TH     TH     H     T     O

312 hundreds and 7 tens


Which number completes the math statement?

37,456  <  _______

Pro Tip: Write each answer choice in standard form!

A.  30,000 + 6,000 + 400 + 50 + 6

B.  Thirty-seven thousand one hundred six

C.  30,000 + 7,000 + 200 + 60 + 5

D.  Thirty-seven thousand five hundred forty-six

D.  Thirty-seven thousand five hundred forty-six


Use the number line to help you list the following numbers in ascending order.

Pro Tip: Look for 'ascending order' on your guided notes. 

  8,024          8,136          8,123          7,840






The number 26,435 was rounded to 26,000.

What place value was the number rounded to?

Thousands Place


The clues describe a four digit mystery number that contains the digits: 

2, 3, 8, 9

Pro Tip: Draw a quick place value chart on your white board to fill in the digits for the clues below.  TH     H     T     O

The value of the 2 is 100 times the value of the 2 in 3,762.

The value of the 3 is 100 times the value of the 3 in 8,137.

The value of the 8 is 10 times the value of the 8 in 1,648.

The missing place value is 9.



How would you represent the number 14,672 using only hundrends and ones?

Pro Tip: Put 14,672 in a quick place value chart on your white board.   

10 TH     TH     H     T     O

146 hundreds and 72 ones


Which number completes the math statement?

55,731  >  _______

Pro Tip: Write each answer choice in standard form!

A.  50,000 + 5,000 + 300 + 70 + 1

B.  Fifty-five thousand eight hundred twenty

C.  50,000 + 5,000 + 700 + 30 + 1

D.  Fifty-five thousand seven hundrend thirty-one

A.  50,000 + 5,000 + 300 + 70 + 1


Use the number line to help you list the following numbers in ascending order.

Pro Tip: Look for 'ascending order' on your guided notes.

  7,950          7,815          7,855          8,150






The number 173,152 was rounded to 173,200.

What place value was the number rounded to?

Hundreds Place