The cheetah is the fastest land animal; what is the second fastest?
Pronghorn antelope – 55 mph.
What sport features the fastest moving ball?
Jai-alai – up to 188 mph.
The Eiffel Tower was originally intended for what city?
Barcelona – Spain rejected the project.
The world’s first speeding ticket was issued in 1896. Where did it happen?
London, England
Walter Arnold was driving four times the limit, at an astonishing speed of 8 miles per hour. Back in those days, the speed limit was 2 miles per hour – you could easily walk faster. The driver was eventually arrested after being chased by a police officer on a bicycle.
Other than humans, what is the only primate capable of having blue eyes?
Black Lemur
Although it’s common to see light eyes in animals such as dogs, cats or even parrots, most of them have brown or dark eyes (irises). Among primates, which include humans, monkeys, apes and other species there is only one exception to blue eyes other than humans, black lemurs.
The blue eyes of humans and lemurs are caused by a single nucleotide polymorphism. In simple terms, ‘blue’ is caused by a single spot in the genes that changed.
The same spot mutated separately in humans and lemurs – something called convergent evolution.
If the zookeeper had 100 pairs of animals in her zoo and if two pairs of babies are born for each and every one of the original animals, and then sadly 23 animal don’t survive, how many animals do you have left in total?
977 animal (100 x 2 = 200; 200 + 800 = 1000; 1000 – 23 = 977)