What is K stand for in this equation?
7(K - 27) = 322
What is 73.
What is (44 - 4) + 4 x 4
What is 268.
21 goats eat as much as 15 cows. How many goats each as much as 60 cows?
What is 84 goats.
5(z + 1) = 3(z + 2) + 11
What is 6.
What is ((14 + 3) + (20/2)2) + 52
What is 142.
If 20 articles cost $90, then the cost of 9 articles is?
What is $40.50.
Evaluate the expression when y = 2 and z = 3. (x stands for multiply)
(y3 - 7)(4y - 2z)2
What is 4.
What is (20/4)2 + ((16/3) x 52)
What is 225.
If the cost of 12 eggs is $3, then find the cost of 4 dozen eggs.
Solve for D
2D2 + 9 = 59
What is 5 (and -5).
What is (7 + 73) / (52 x 2)
What is 7.
You finally get an allowance!!! You put $2 away in January, $4 away in February, $8 away in March, and $16 away in April. You follow this savings pattern through to December. How much money do you have in 12 months?
What is $4,096.
Evaluate the expression if x = -1
12x3 + 5x2 + 4x - 6
What is -17.
What is 82 + 6 x 6 - 23 + (33)(32)
What is 320.
It takes 6 cubes to build a staircase with 3 steps. How many cubes will be needed for 11 steps?
What is 66 cubes.