What percent do the grades need to equal up to?
What period am I required to call?
How do I make a lesson engaging online?
Don't just talk, make jokes, have questions for them to answer throughout the lesson.
Should I give 20 assignments a week?
No. Just no.
Who is the principle of JDMS?
Principal Talley
What should I do if a student has an F?
Call parents, scholarship warning, PMP.
What if a parent doesnt answer calls? How else can I get in contact?
Try their email.
What if a student wants more than what we are doing online?
See if they can do an alternate assignment. Maybe have them do something artistic with the work, or have them do the I-Ready/IXL on paper and provide them some questions
How much time should they have to complete the assignment.
Give them as much time as you normally would but be ready for extensions to be handed out.
Who are the Vice principles?
Dobson and Hall
What is considered a passing grade?
If a phone number doesnt work where else can I check for a number?
Ask Deans, look in the school log, ask Ms. Cartwright
Should I be flexible while online?
YES. No one is used to this give them a chance
Should all of my work be computer based?
Thats up to you but computers become troublesome. Give them a chance to do something offline.
Who is head of the math department? Who is the math coach?
King, Brown respectively.
If a student has a D then what should I do?
Call parents, Scholarship warning, PMP, Grade recovery
If I hear a parent in the background during office hours what can I do?
Call them to the phone ASAP if needed. Have them join the meeting.
If a student has started ghosting my class what should I do?
Reach out to the parents or the other teachers. See if it is happening in their classes as well.
What platforms can I use?
IXL, IReady, HMH, Math180, etc.
Must be district approved
Who can I reach out to for phone numbers?
Deans, Cartwright, Cobb
Who do I need to talk to if I have a lot of students without scholarship warnings?
You need to meet your maker..... Just kidding talk to Ms. Hall
What if student and parent are not answering?
Let administrators know, include Ms. Cartwright.
How do I have student peer teach
Have them "present" during a lesson. Example: Have them show how to get to a website or how to turn in an assignment.
If a student does not turn anything in what grade do they receive.
A 0%
Which department is the absolute best at JDMS?
Math department.