The sum of 7 + 8.
What is 15?
The difference between 3 - 2.
What is 1?
The product of 7 × 3.
What is 21?
The quotient of 6 ÷ 2.
What is 3?
-8x + 2x + 5 = 125.
What is x = 20?
The sum of 33 + 44.
What is 77?
The difference between 56 - 34.
What is 22?
The product of 80 × 9.
What is 720?
The quotient of 56 ÷ 8.
What is 7?
43 is equal to what?
What is 64?
The sum of 566 + 233.
What is 799?
The difference between 345 - 123.
What is 222?
The product of 15 × 15.
What is 225?
The quotient of 72 ÷ 36.
What is 2?
Solve the following math problem.
22 (3+5) - 8
What is 42?
The sum of 2,456 + 1,099.
What is 3,555?
The difference between 7,890 - 3,452.
What is 4,438?
The product of 620 × 44.
What is 27,280?
The quotient of 840 ÷ 42.
What is 20?
What type of angle is a 90° angle?
What is a right angle?
The sum of 34,789 + 12,568.
What is 47,357?
The difference between 67,987 - 23,763.
What is 44,224?
The product of 679 × 235.
What is 159,565?
The quotient of 990 ÷ 110.
What is 9?
There are 2 ones, 5 tens, 3 hundreds and 7 thousands. What number is this?
What is 7,352?