Multiplication & Division
Order of Operations
Add & Subtract Decimals
Multiply & Divide Decimals
Multiply & Divide Decimals with Models

836 x 8=

What is 6,688

Solve 5 - 2 + 12 / 4

What is 6


Solve: 0.93 + 0.188 =

What is 1.118 


A package of gum costs $1.38. There are 6 sticks in the pack. How much does each stick of gum cost?

What is $0.23


Create a solved equation for the following model.

What is 0.36/ 3 = 0.12


67 x 23=

What is 1,541


Solve: 2 x (465 + 371)

What is 1,672


The recipe for cookies calls for 1.6 cups of sugar. Amy measured 1.43 cups of sugar. How much more sugar does she need?

What is 0.17 of a cup more sugar


Tyler bought 12 tickets at Nick's Go Cart Track. If each ticket was $3.66 with tax, how much did Tyler spend on tickets?

What is $43.92


 Which equation matches the model?

What is 0.3 x 0.4 = 0.12 or what is 0.4 x 0.3 = 0.12


8542 / 21 =  

What is 406 R 16


Write words to match the expression

4 x (10 - 2)

What is four times the difference of 10 and 2 


Solve: 17 - 0.019= 

What is 16.981 


Kait spent $9.12 on 6 granola bars. How much did she pay per granola bar?

What is $1.52


Create a solved equation for the following model.

What is 0.8/ 4 = 0.2


The parking lot for a hotel should have 114 parking spaces. If each row can have 13 parking spaces, then the minimum number of rows in the parking lot should be

What is 9 rows

Joe buys 6 DVDs. Each DVD cost $12. If Joe received a $4 discount on each DVD, what is the total amount of money Joe spends?

Write the expression and solve.

What is 6 x (12-4) = $48


Sammy has 3 bags of flour. She has two smaller bags with 0.75 kg of flour each and a bigger bag which has 1.14 kg. How much flour does she have in total?

What is 2.64 kg of flour in total. 


There are nine pieces of rope that each measure 12.34 meters long. What is the combined length of the pieces?

What is 111.06 meters


Which equation matches the picture?

what is 0.28 x 5 or what is 5 x 0.28


A company donates 935 pencils to a school. The pencils are divided evenly among 9 classrooms. The rest of the pencils are given to the library. How many pencils were donated to each classroom and to the library?

What is 103 to each classroom and 8 to the library 


What numerical expression represents the following:

Joanne picked 15 more than twice as many apples as her sister. Her sister picked 35 apples. 

What is 15 + (35 x 2)


Rebecca saved $175.35 in June and $132.50 in July. Then she bought a bicycle for $195.80. How much of her savings from June and July was left?

What is $112.05


Jackie bought 4.2 pounds of apples at the orchard. Apples cost $1.45 per pound. What was the total, and how much change did she get back if she paid with a twenty dollar bill?

What is:

Total- $6.09

Change- $13.91


Jacob and Jackson are trying to solve 7.48/4 using models. Who is using the right model?

Who is Jackson