Numbers which dividers are the number one and the same number only.
Prime numbers / Números primos
En una ecuación, ¿qué es la incógnita?
El número desconocido que queremos averiguar.
Volumen de un cubo de lado 3 m
27 m3
El mínimo común múltiplo se calcula...
multiplicando lso factores comunes y no comunes elevados al máximo exponente.
Grade of the following polynomial:
3x2y - 2x2y3 + 3y4
Name of the line that gose from the center of a polygon to the center of one of the sides.
Frecuencia absoluta
Número de veces que se repite cada resultado.
Write 1 024 000 000 in scientific notation
1,024 · 109
Pythagoras Theorem
La suma de los cuadrados de los catetos es igual al cuadrado de la hipotenusa.
Which type of variable is the size of the shoe?
Cuantitativa discreta.
In a classroom, we have 24 girls and 8 boys. What is the percetage of boys?
In a monomial, all the variables with their exponents are called...
13,7 years
Improper fractions are...
Fractions where the numerator is greater or equal than the denominator.
Fractions whom values are equal or above one.
Write the result of (2x+5)2
How much paper do I need to make a sphere with a radius of 7 cm?
196 · PI
If we play Parchis, what's the probability of having three sixes and going to the house?
Pista: Piensa que lanzas los tres dados a la vez