How many baseballs can a box hold if it is 2x6x2 units?
24 baseballs
Compare using <,> or =
5/6 5/12
What is >
What is 1/5 of 60?
What is 12
23 x 41=
What is 943
Round to the nearest Tenth
What is 2.200
Solve this expression (3x4) x 5
What is 60
1/2 + 1/4
What is 3/4
What is 2/4 of 20?
What is 10
80 x 60=
What is 4800
Round to the nearest hundredth
What is 61.390
Fill in the blank (2x3) x _____=30
What is 5
3/4 - 1/10=
What is 13/20
1/4 of 44?
What is 11
78 x 53=
What is 4,134
Write out the number name in words
What is zero and four thousandths
How many baseballs can a box that is 3x5x7 units hold?
What is 105
3 1/5 + 1 1/7 =
What is 4 12/35
3/4 of 32=
What is 24
Solve 78 x 59=
What is 4,602
Find the sum
$57.99 + $14.25=
What is $72.24
Xavier counted 38 balls in one layer of a box. The box has 17 layers. How many balls can the box hold?
What is 646 balls
2 3/4 - 1 5/6 =
What is 11/12
3/4 x 4/6=
What is 1/2
587 x 13=
What is 7,631
find the difference
What is 3.52